FFUC- Teses de Doutoramento : [212] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 212
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
31-Mar-2021Evaluation of Therapeutic Interests of Bee Venom from Apis mellifera intermissa as a Bioactive Ingredient in MelanomasIouraouine, EL MehdimasterThesisopenAccess
30-Sep-2022Dynamic changes of aerobic brain oxidative metabolism revealed by lactate and the redox modulation by nitriteDias, Cândida Marília das NevesdoctoralThesisopenAccess
2-Nov-2022Preparation and Biological Evaluation of New Triterpenoid Derivatives of Glycyrrhetinic AcidAlho, Daniela Pereira SantanadoctoralThesisopenAccess
22-Apr-2022Investigating transcriptional modifications of the autophagy pathway in Machado-Joseph DiseaseFerreira, Ana Cristina Lopes VasconcelosdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
27-Jul-2022Reconciliação Farmacoterapêutica na Admissão num Serviço de PsiquiatriaOliveira, Joelizy Rodrigues de doctoralThesisopenAccess
28-Jul-2022Insights into the mechanisms of intracellular delivery of targeted liposomal doxorubicin/ceramides combinations and the importance to assess the nature of drug interaction beyond bulk tumor cellsCruz, Ana Filipa Fernandes da doctoralThesisembargoedAccess
7-Jul-2022Topical bioequivalence: experimental and regulatory considerationsRodrigues, Margarida Isabel Silva Coutinho de MirandadoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
20-May-2022ADVANCED MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY IN RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL SYNTHESISNeves, Ângela Cristina BarrôcodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
23-Feb-2022Nose-to-brain delivery of lacosamide, levetiracetam and zonisamide and the impact of BCRP efflux: an in vitro/in vivo approach.Gonçalves, Joana Carrapiço doctoralThesisopenAccess
1-Jun-2022Preclinical impact of blueberry supplementation in healthy and prediabetic conditions - Focus on gut microbiota and hepatic mitochondria bioenergeticsNunes, Sara Raquel Ramalho PereiradoctoralThesisopenAccess
1-Feb-2022Prevalence and serological characterization of Toxoplasmosis, Rubella and Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women of Luanda, Angola: geospatial analysis of the infections, its association with socio-demographic and clinical determinantsVueba, Amélia João Alice Nkutxi doctoralThesisopenAccess
6-Dec-2021Potentiation of Dendritic Cell Phenotypic and Functional Characteristics for Application in Next-Generation Cancer ImmunotherapyPereira, João Miguel CalmeirodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
2-Feb-2022Quantificação da carga anticolinérgica como preditor de resultados clínicos negativos no idoso – um contributo para a prática clínicaLavrador, Ana Marta Almeida Aveiro PimenteldoctoralThesisopenAccess
10-Sep-2021The role of danger signals in allergic diseases to low molecular weight chemicalsFerreira, Isabel Cristina do ValedoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
4-Jun-2021Elucidation of the structure-activity relationship of p-menthane derivatives: From a screening assay of anti-inflammatory properties to a lead compound and its mechanism of actionSousa, Cátia Moreira dedoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
3-Dec-2020Preparation and Preclinical Evaluation of New Ursane-type TriterpenoidsValdeira, Ana Sofia de CastrodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
16-Oct-2020Improving antibitic prescribing in primary careRodrigues, António Duarte Teixeira AfonsodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
23-Apr-2021A New Approach for Cancer Treatment: from Specific Induction of Breast Cancer to Innovative TherapyCosta, Eduardo Leitão doctoralThesisopenAccess
5-Apr-2021Tailoring challenging drug properties through solid dispersionsSimões, Marta Cristina FilipedoctoralThesisopenAccess
2-Jun-2020Systematic review: methodological aspects of its role in drug safety assessmentPenedones, Ana Sofia MartinsdoctoralThesisopenAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 212