FCTUC Ciências da Vida - Teses de Doutoramento : [544] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 544
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
5-Jul-2018Microbial diversity and anaerobic metabolisms in the subsurface of the Iberian Pyritic BeltLeandro, Tânia de Jesus TravassosdoctoralThesisopenAccess
16-May-2018Physio-pathological role of ecto-5’-nucleotidase – a new target for neuroprotectionGonçalves, Francisco Manuel QueirozdoctoralThesisopenAccess
4-Nov-2022The role of polyploidy in shaping the diversity within Linum suffruticosum s.l. (Linaceae)Afonso, Ana Sofia dos SantosdoctoralThesisopenAccess
14-Oct-2022Effects of the invasion of native deciduous forests by nitrogen-fixing trees (Acacia spp.) on stream ecological integrityPereira, Ana Maria NovaisdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
20-Apr-2022Tropical seabirds as indicators of Human stressors and as tools for marine spatial planning in the Tropical AtlanticAlmeida, Nathalie MonteirodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
18-Jul-2022Entheseal changes and bone geometry as identification traits in forensic anthropology: building an interpretation guide.Vergara, Maria Alejandra AcostadoctoralThesisopenAccess
11-Mar-2022Stream leaf litter decomposition under flow intermittencySimões, Sara Isabel CarneirodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
5-Jul-2022A medicalização da Obesidade em Portugal: dos contornos neoliberais às experiências locais de doençaMatos, Marta Isabel da Silva Roriz de doctoralThesisembargoedAccess
24-Mar-2022The physiology and health condition of urban dweller gulls in increasingly urbanized areasLopes, Catarina SantosdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
4-Apr-2022Biological invasions, pollution, and climate warming in Artemia: ecological and evolutionary responsesCosta, Antónia Juliana Pais dadoctoralThesisopenAccess
8-Apr-2022Interactions between gulls and humans in urban areas: an ecological and conflict management perspectiveFaria, Joana Sofia Costa Neves Pais dedoctoralThesisopenAccess
18-May-2022New bacterial strategies for Tellurium bioleaching and high value nanoparticles productionFarias, Pedro Daniel GeadasdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
16-Feb-2022Breeding of Arbutus unedo L.: use of convencional and biotechnological tools to obtain tolerant genotypes against abiotic and biotic stressesMartins, João Filipe da SilvadoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
7-Jan-2022Cory’s shearwater as an indicator of Human stressors and marine spatial planning in the North AtlanticPereira, Jorge Miguel RibeirodoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
10-Jan-2022FINAIS DE VIDA PRECOCES: Estudo paleopatológico (macroscópico, microscópico e documental) das causas de morte infantis com especial interesse na porosidade extracorticalCalleja, Álvaro Manuel Monge doctoralThesisopenAccess
17-Dec-2021Classification and identification of thermophilic organisms isolated from São Pedro do Sul hot spring and revision of the classification of genus Meiothermus: integration of genomics into prokaryotic taxonomyPinto, Luciana Costa de AlbuquerquedoctoralThesisopenAccess
16-Mar-2011Molecular and cellular changes triggered by diabetes in the hippocampus: a sweet-bitter connectionGaspar, Joana Margarida Navalho doctoralThesisopenAccess
13-Sep-2021The role of fungi on monumental stone biodeterioration within the UNESCO World heritage site of “University of Coimbra– Alta and Sofia”Antunes, João Trovão Lima SimõesdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
12-Jul-2021DNA methylation as an age predictor in living and deceased individualsDias, Maria Helena CorreiadoctoralThesisopenAccess
29-Jun-2021Optimizing the scale up biochemical platform biorefinery for lactic acid production from lignocellulosic biomassPereira, Ana Rita PontesdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 544