Giesbrecht, Daniel
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Giesbrecht, Daniel
Giesbrecht, Daniel Florence
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UC Researcher
Daniel Giesbrecht is a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) - University of Coimbra (UC), where he is also doing his PhD at the Contemporary History Program of the Faculty of Arts (FLUC). His thesis, already qualified by the Scientific Council, is entitled “From regeneration to redemption: eugenics, race and biopolitics in Brazil and Portugal (1918-1949)” and is supervised by Dr. João Paulo Avelãs Nunes (FLUC/CEIS20/UC) and co-supervised by Dr. Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (ICS/ULisboa) and Dr. Lilia Moritz Schwarcz (FFLCH/USP). His PhD project is funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT (2021.04805.BD). He holds a Licence in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2001); a Licence in Pedagogy from Faculdades Integradas de Amparo (2004); a Licence in Social Sciences from the Metropolitan University of Santos (2013) and a Master in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2005). His teaching career as an elementary school teacher focuses on the areas of History, Philosophy, and Sociology. In Higher Education, he has teaching experience in the courses of Business Administration, Pedagogy, History, Law, Literature, and Psychology, besides having acted as Post-Graduation Coordinator. Throughout his professional career, he has been responsible for receiving on several occasions “higher education course recognition commissions” sent by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), in several universities where he has worked. From 2015 to 2019 he was a finalist and medalist advisor for the annual editions of the National Olympiad in Brazilian History (ONHB), the most important history contest in the country. He is currently developing work related to the “History of Sciences”, with emphasis on the “History of Eugenics in Brazil and Portugal”. He is a member of the following Research Groups: a) “Science, Intellectuals and Nation”, coordinated by Dr. Vanderlei Sebastião de Souza (UNICENTRO); b) “History of Genetics and its impacts”, coordinated by Dr. Robert Wegner (FIOCRUZ); c) “History, Memory, Public Police”, coordinated by Drs. Joana Guerra and Francisco Pinheiro (CEIS20/UC). Furthermore, he is a member of the Portuguese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (SPAE), since 2020; the Brazilian National Association of History (ANPUH), since 2021; and the Portuguese Association of Anthropology (APA), since 2022. Daniel Giesbrecht has received 10 award(s) and honors. In his Science Vitae curriculum, the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: History; History Teaching; Teacher Training; General History; History of Brazil; History Theory; Epistemology; Anthropology; Sociology; Economics; Pedagogy; Didactics; Sociology of Education; History of Education.
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