| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access |
1 | 12-May-2003 | Among and within-population variability of metal tolerance by cladocerans | Lopes, Isabel Maria Cunha Antunes | doctoralThesis | embargoedAccess |
2 | 2011 | Assessing the ecotoxicological impact of surface water contamination from concentrated animal feeding operations in WoodCounty Ohio | Solohin, Elena | masterThesis | openAccess |
3 | 2002 | Assessing the trophic state of Linhos lake: a first step towards ecological rehabilitation | Pereira, R. ; Soares, A. M. V. M. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Gonçalves, F. | article | openAccess |
4 | 2007 | Clear-PEM: A PET imaging system dedicated to breast cancer diagnostics | Abreu, M. C. ; Aguiar, D. ; Albuquerque, E. ; Almeida, F. G. ; Almeida, P. ; Amaral, P. ; Auffray, E. ; Bento, P. ; Bruyndonckx, P. ; Bugalho, R. ; Carriço, B. ; Cordeiro, H. ; Ferreira, M. ; Ferreira, N. C. ; Gonçalves, F. ; Lecoq, P. ; Leong, C. ; Lopes, F. ; Lousã, P. ; Luyten, J. ; Martins, M. V. ; Matela, N. ; Mendes, P. R. ; Moura, R. ; Nobre, J. ; Oliveira, N. ; Ortigão, C. ; Peralta, L. ; Rego, J. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Rodrigues, P. ; Santos, A. I. ; Silva, J. C. ; Silva, M. M. ; Tavernier, S. ; Teixeira, I. C. ; Teixeira, J. P. ; Trindade, A. ; Trummer, J. ; Varela, J. | article | openAccess |
5 | 2003 | Comparison between two lunar situations on emission and larval transport of decapod larvae in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) | Gonçalves, F. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Soares, A. M. V. M. | article | openAccess |
6 | 2013 | Contaminant driven genetic erosion and associated hypotheses on alleles loss, reduced population growth rate and increased susceptibility to future stressors: an essay | Ribeiro, R. ; Lopes, I. | article | openAccess |
7 | Jan-2014 | Copper-driven avoidance and mortality in temperate and tropical tadpoles | Araújo, Cristiano V. M. ; Shinn, Cândida ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Lopes, Isabel ; Espíndola, Evaldo L. G. ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
8 | 2004 | The ‘Coral Bulker’ Fuel Oil Spill on the North Coast of Portugal: Spatial and Temporal Biomarker Responses in Mytilus galloprovincialis | Moreira, Susana Maria ; Moreira-Santos, M. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Guilhermino, L. | article | openAccess |
9 | 2012 | A cost-effective tool-box to assess ecological receptors at most risk in a potentially pesticide contaminated south European big man-made reservoi | Ordóñez Román, Nadia Ivonne | masterThesis | openAccess |
10 | 2013 | Could contaminant induced mutations lead to a genetic diversity overestimation? | Sobral, Olímpia ; Marin-Morales, Maria Aparecida ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
11 | 2005 | Cytochrome B Gene Partial Sequence and RAPD Analysis of Two Daphnia longispina Lineages Differing in their Resistance to Copper | Martins, N. ; Lopes, I. ; Brehm, A. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
12 | 2008 | Development and Sensitivity of a 12-h Laboratory Test with Daphnia magna Straus Based on Avoidance of Pulp Mill Effluents | Rosa, R. ; Moreira-Santos, M. ; Lopes, I. ; Picado, A. ; Mendonça, E. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
13 | 2013 | Development and validation of an experimental life support system for assessing the effects of global climate change and environmental contamination on estuarine and coastal marine benthic communities | Coelho, Francisco J. R. C. ; Rocha, Rui J. M. ; Pires, Ana C. C. ; Ladeiro, Bruno ; Castanheira, José M. ; Costa, Rodrigo ; Almeida, Adelaide ; Cunha, Ângela ; Lillebo, Ana I. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Pereira, Ruth ; Lopes, Isabel ; Marques, Catarina ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Calado, Ricardo ; Cleary, Daniel F. R. ; Gomes, Newton C. M. | article | openAccess |
14 | 2012 | Does S-metolachlor affect the performance of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP as bioaugmentation bacterium for atrazine-contaminated soils? | Viegas, Cristina A; Costa, Catarina; André, Sandra; Viana, Paula; Ribeiro, Rui ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde | article | openAccess |
15 | 1-Jun-1992 | Ecologia do ictioplâncton e reprodução da anchova Engraulis encrasicolus (L.) (Pisces, Engraulidae) no estuário do Rio Mondego | Ribeiro, Rui Godinho Lobo Girão | doctoralThesis | embargoedAccess |
16 | 2015 | Ecological Risk Assessment of a Metal-Contaminated Area in the Tropics. Tier II: Detailed Assessment | Niemeyer, Júlia Carina ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Ribeiro, Rui ; Rutgers, Michiel; Nogueira, Marco Antonio; da Silva, Eduardo Mendes; Sousa, José Paulo | article | openAccess |
17 | 2013 | Ecotoxicity characterization of a South European big man-made reservoir : a cost-effective tool-box to assess ecological receptors and functions at most risk | Tesfaye, Asgdom Malu | masterThesis | openAccess |
18 | 2012 | Efeito da perturbação ambiental e antrópica na variabilidade dos agrupamentos piscícolas em cursos intermitentes | Vareia, António Pedro Teixeira | masterThesis | openAccess |
19 | 30-Apr-2009 | Effects of acid mine drainage on the genetic diversity and structure of a natural population of Daphnia longispina | Martins, Nelson ; Bollinger, Catherine ; Harper, Ruth M. ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
20 | 2012 | Estudo da distribuição espacial das colónias de coelho-bravo (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Aplicação nas acções de repovoamento | Nunes, Francisco José Oliveira Brás Mortágua | masterThesis | openAccess |
21 | 2014 | Ethoprophos fate on soil–water interface and effects on non-target terrestrial and aquatic biota under Mediterranean crop-based scenarios | Leitão, Sara ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Van den Brink, Paul J. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Cerejeira, M. José ; Sousa, J. P. | article | openAccess |
22 | 11-Nov-2008 | Evaluating a bioremediation tool for atrazine contaminated soils in open soil microcosms: The effectiveness of bioaugmentation and biostimulation approaches | Lima, D. ; Viana, P. ; André, S. ; Chelinho, S. ; Costa, C. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Sousa, J. P. ; Fialho, A. M. ; Viegas, C. A. | article | openAccess |
23 | 2015 | Evaluation of Arthrobacter aurescens Strain TC1 as Bioaugmentation Bacterium in Soils Contaminated with the Herbicidal Substance Terbuthylazine | Silva, Vera P.; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Mateus, Carla ; Teixeira, Tânia ; Ribeiro, Rui ; Viegas, Cristina A. | article | openAccess |
24 | 2006 | Genetic adaptation to metal stress by natural populations of Daphnia longispina | Lopes, Isabel ; Baird, Donald J. ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
25 | 2004 | Genetic Determination of Tolerance to Lethal and Sublethal Copper Concentrations in Field Populations of Daphnia longispina | Lopes, I. ; Baird, D. J. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
26 | 16-Dec-2019 | Genetically inherited tolerance may unveil trait dominance patterns in an amphibian model | Fasola, E. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Lopes, I. | article | openAccess |
27 | 2013 | Going with the Flow: Detection of Drift in Response to Hypo-Saline Stress by the Estuarine Benthic Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium | Araujo, Cristiano V. M. ; Romero-Romero, Sonia ; Lourençato, Lucio F. ; Moreno-Garrido, Ignacio ; Blasco, Julián ; Gretz, Michael R. ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
28 | 2013 | Heritability and inheritance of tolerance to copper in Daphnia magna | Louro, Filipe José Afonso Sabino de Sousa | masterThesis | openAccess |
29 | 2005 | In Situ and Laboratory Microalgal Assays in the Tropics: A Microcosm Simulation of Edge-of-Field Pesticide Runoff | Moreira-Santos, M. ; Silva, E. M. da ; Soares, A. M. V. M. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
30 | 2003 | In situ bioassay chambers and procedures for assessment of sediment toxicity with Chironomus riparius | Castro, Bruno B. ; Guilhermino, Lúcia ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
31 | 2004 | An in situ bioassay for freshwater environments with the microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M. ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
32 | 2006 | An in situ postexposure feeding assay with Carcinus maenas for estuarine sediment-overlying water toxicity evaluations | Moreira, Susana M. ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Guilhermino, Lúcia ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
33 | 2001 | In Vitro Development of Parthenogenetic Eggs: A Fast Ecotoxicity Test with Daphnia magna? | Sobral, Olímpia ; Chastinet, Carla ; Nogueira, António ; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M. ; Gonçalves, Fernando ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
34 | 2014 | Is contaminant-driven avoidance independent of distance? : an experimental demonstration of the spacelessness theorem at a realist scale | Acúrcio, David Martins | masterThesis | openAccess |
35 | 2013 | A laboratory and in situ postexposure feeding assay with a freshwater snail | Correia, Vânia ; Ribeiro, R. ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde | article | openAccess |
36 | 2005 | Lack of Evidence for Metallothionein Role in Tolerance to Copper by Natural Populations of Daphnia longispina | Martins, N. ; Lopes, I. ; Guilhermino, L. ; Bebianno, M. J. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
37 | 2016 | Multiple Stressor Differential Tolerances: Possible Implications at the Population Level | Venâncio, Cátia; Ribeiro, Rui ; Soares, Amadeu ; Lopes, Isabel | article | openAccess |
38 | 2005 | Optimization of a pressurization methodology for extracting pore-water | Lopes, Isabel ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
39 | 29-Mar-2012 | Population genetics of soil invertebrates (Isopoda and Collembola) exposed to metal contamination | Costa, Dalila Maria dos Santos | doctoralThesis | openAccess |
40 | 2005 | Resistance to metal contamination by historically-stressed populations of Ceriodaphnia pulchella: Environmental influence versus genetic determination | Lopes, Isabel ; Baird, Donald J. ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |
41 | 2021 | Salinity Affects Freshwater Invertebrate Traits and Litter Decomposition | Abelho, Manuela ; Ribeiro, Rui ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde | article | openAccess |
42 | 6-Sep-2017 | Salinization of freshwater coastal ecosystems: possible impacts on the genetic diversity of zooplankton populations | Wijewardene, Lishani Nisansala | masterThesis | openAccess |
43 | 2004 | Scalp hair analysis as a tool in assessing human exposure to heavy metals (S. Domingos mine, Portugal) | Pereira, R. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Gonçalves, F. | article | openAccess |
44 | 2005 | A Short-Term Sublethal In Situ Sediment Assay with Chironomus riparius Based on Postexposure Feeding | Soares, S. ; Cativa, I. ; Moreira-Santos, M. ; Soares, A. ; Ribeiro, R. | article | openAccess |
45 | 2012 | A short-term sublethal in situ toxicity assay with snails to assess and monitor river water quality : a tool for a functional approach | Correia, Vânia Isabel Neves | masterThesis | openAccess |
46 | 5-Mar-2022 | The Recolonization Concentration Concept: Using Avoidance Assays with Soil Organisms to Predict the Recolonization Potential of Contaminated Sites | Renaud, Mathieu ; Luz, Tiago Natal da ; Ribeiro, Rui ; Sousa, José Paulo | article | openAccess |
47 | 2006 | Tissues and hair residues and histopathology in wild rats (Rattus rattus L.) and Algerian mice (Mus spretus Lataste) from an abandoned mine area (Southeast Portugal) | Pereira, R. ; Pereira, M. L. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Gonçalves, F. | article | openAccess |
48 | 2013 | Tolerance to Copper and to Salinity in Daphnia longispina: Implications within a Climate Change Scenario | Leitão, João ; Ribeiro, R. ; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M. ; Lopes, I. | article | openAccess |
49 | 2011 | Toxicity of surface versus subsurface sediments of a protected coastal lagoon under recentremediation(Paramos,Portugal) | Gonçalves, Ana Jacinta Oliveira | masterThesis | openAccess |
50 | 2014 | Unrevealing the interactive effects of climate change and oil contamination on lab-simulated estuarine benthic communities | Coelho, Francisco J. R. C. ; Cleary, Daniel F. R. ; Rocha, Rui J. M. ; Calado, Ricardo ; Castanheira, José M. ; Rocha, Sílvia M. ; Silva, Artur M. S. ; Simões, Mário M. Q. ; Oliveira, Vanessa ; Lillebø, Ana ; Almeida, Adelaide ; Cunha, Ângela ; Lopes, Isabel ; Ribeiro, Rui ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Marques, Catarina R. ; Costa, Rodrigo ; Pereira, Ruth ; Gomes, Newton C. M. | article | embargoedAccess |
51 | 12-Mar-2014 | Variability patterns and genetic determination of the tolerance to metal-rich acid mine drainage by planktonic invertebrates | Sobral, Olímpia | doctoralThesis | embargoedAccess |
52 | 2000 | Water-Column, Sediment, and in Situ Chronic Bioassays with Cladocerans | Pereira, Anabela M. M. ; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M. ; Gonçalves, Fernando ; Ribeiro, Rui | article | openAccess |