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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 30012
EU - Europe 14292
AS - Asia, other 8377
SA - South America 1435
OC - Oceania 466
AF - Africa 361
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 1
Unknown 1339
Total 56283
Country #
US - United States of America 29934
PL - Poland 5248
SG - Singapore 3998
PT - Portugal 3914
CN - China 3242
DE - Germany 1710
BR - Brazil 1392
IE - Ireland 1144
SE - Sweden 611
AU - Australia 455
other - Other Country 4621
Total 56269
City #
Ashburn 12322
Warsaw 5221
New York 2181
Inglewood 1696
Singapore 1568
Hanover 1150
Secaucus 1055
Dublin 1048
Coimbra 741
Austin 719
other 25808
Total 53509
Most viewed items #
ID: 17927 - Co-composting of eggshell waste in self-heating reactors: monitoring and end product quality 1434
ID: 17929 - Synthesis of bifunctional cyclic carbonates from CO2 catalysed by choline-based systems 1234
ID: 31635 - Settling Suspensions Flow Modelling: A Review 975
ID: 19039 - Neurotensin-loaded collagen dressings reduce inflammation and improve wound healing in diabetic mice 859
ID: 19036 - Chitosan-based dressings loaded with neurotensin—an efficient strategy to improve early diabetic wound healing 735
ID: 22303 - Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) as a versatile block copolymer to prepare nanoaggregates of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles 624
ID: 53182 - The Maritime Sector and Its Problematic Decarbonization: A Systematic Review of the Contribution of Alternative Fuels 550
ID: 26856 - Solubilities of hydrofluorocarbons in ionic liquids: experimental and modelling study 484
ID: 17928 - Fault detection in the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process using dynamic principal components analysis based on decorrelated residuals (DPCA-DR) 477
ID: 31587 - Helicobacter pylori antimicrobial resistance rates in the central region of Portugal 444
ID: 17925 - Numerical assessment of diffusion-convection-reaction model for the catalytic abatement of phenolic wastewaters in packed-bed reactors under trickling flow conditions 436
ID: 17930 - Correlation between flocculation and adsorption of cationic polyacrylamides on precipitated calcium carbonate 435
ID: 17926 - Preparation and evaluation of biocide-loaded particles to control the biofouling zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha 405
ID: 31545 - An experimental design methodology to evaluate the importance of different parameters on flocculation by polyelectrolytes 396
ID: 31606 - Silica-based aerogels as adsorbents for phenol-derivative compounds 390
ID: 31630 - Sensitivity enhancing transformations for monitoring the process correlation structure 389
ID: 30079 - Defining the structure of DPCA models and its impact on process monitoring and prediction activities 386
ID: 31395 - Dexamethasone-loaded poly(ε-caprolactone)/silica nanoparticles composites prepared by supercritical CO2 foaming/mixing and deposition 378
ID: 26857 - Stabilisation/solidification of APC residues from MSW incineration with hydraulic binders and chemical additives 377
ID: 26859 - Rapid and sensitive methodology for determination of ethyl carbamate in fortified wines using microextraction by packed sorbent and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection 377
ID: 26874 - Towards a new generation of functional fiber-based packaging: cellulose nanofibers for improved barrier, mechanical and surface properties 370
ID: 31379 - Poly(ester amide)s based on (L)-lactic acid oligomers and α-amino acids: influence of the α-amino acid side chain in the poly(ester amide)s properties 368
ID: 31357 - Effect of cholesterol-poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) on the properties of stimuli-responsive polymer liposome complexes 367
ID: 31637 - Impregnation of cinnamaldehyde into cassava starch biocomposite films using supercritical fluid technology for the development of food active packaging 363
ID: 31396 - Polymeric bile acid sequestrants—Synthesis using conventional methods and new approaches based on “controlled”/living radical polymerization 362
ID: 31382 - Toxicity of organic and inorganic nanoparticles to four species of white-rot fungi 359
ID: 31387 - First report ofLaimaphelenchus heidelbergi(Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) in Europe 359
ID: 31365 - Wound dressings loaded with an anti-inflammatory jucá (Libidibia ferrea) extract using supercritical carbon dioxide technology 357
ID: 31354 - Synthesis of a dextran based thermo-sensitive drug delivery system by gamma irradiation 344
ID: 31585 - Interactions of ink colourants with chemically modified paper surfaces concerning inkjet print improvement 344
ID: 31622 - Virulence factors and infection ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from a hydropathic facility and respiratory infections 344
ID: 31628 - Compatibility analysis of municipal solid waste incineration residues and clay for producing lightweight aggregates 344
ID: 31371 - Solvent Extraction Studies for Separation of Zn(II) and Mn(II) from Spent Batteries Leach Solutions 340
ID: 31385 - Speed of sound in pure fatty acid methyl esters and biodiesel fuels 339
ID: 31589 - Improving cell adhesion: development of a biosensor for cell behaviour monitoring by surface grafting of sulfonic groups onto a thermoplastic polyurethane 339
ID: 31604 - Nanofiltration and Fenton's process over iron shavings for surfactants removal 333
ID: 31623 - Correlation and prediction of biodiesel density for extended ranges of temperature and pressure 332
ID: 31627 - Recycling of air pollution control residues from municipal solid waste incineration into lightweight aggregates 332
ID: 31632 - Solubility of all-trans retinoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide 331
ID: 31380 - Novel poly(ester amide)s from glycine and L-lactic acid by an easy and cost-effective synthesis 330
ID: 31607 - Osteogenic poly(ε-caprolactone)/poloxamine homogeneous blends prepared by supercritical foaming 327
ID: 31369 - Silica based aerogel-like materials obtained by quick microwave drying 326
ID: 31599 - The effect of nanosilica addition on flowability, strength and transport properties of ultra high performance concrete 326
ID: 29264 - Surface modification of polyurethane films by plasma and ultraviolet light to improve haemocompatibility for artificial heart valves 324
ID: 31386 - Evaluation of Silica-Coated PCC as New Modified Filler for Papermaking 322
ID: 31366 - Characterization of the venom allergen—like protein (vap-1) and the fatty acid and retinol binding protein (far-1) genes in Meloidogyne hispanica 321
ID: 31543 - Recent advances on the development of wound dressings for diabetic foot ulcer treatment--a review 320
ID: 31598 - Surfactants for dispersion of carbon nanotubes applied in soil stabilization 319
ID: 31602 - An overview on silica aerogels synthesis and different mechanical reinforcing strategies 319
ID: 31594 - Mechanical and structural characterization of tibial prosthetic interfaces before and after aging under simulated service conditions 318
ID: 31601 - Synthesis of lightweight polymer-reinforced silica aerogels with improved mechanical and thermal insulation properties for space applications 318
Total 22282

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 008301407 531568 3336
2020 604687 697616635497 45348715491 757428 6367
2021 435454 300424363380 342698244278 174141 4233
2022 490342 1137302337333 456321535468 782666 6169
2023 186519 579660113 165318260661 13611513 5741
2024 16013489 2642259221162043 2221316410060 00 20874
Ever 56283