Amaral, Inês
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Amaral, Inês
Amaral, Inês
Amaral, Inês
Amaral, Inês Albuquerque
Amaral, Inês Albuquerque
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UC Researcher
Inês Amaral is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho, Inês is a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (University of Coimbra) and Associate Researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre (University of Minho). She is the PI of the project MyGender - Mediated young adults practices: advancing gender justice in and across mobile apps (PTDC/COM-CSS/5947/2020) and Co-PI of the project MediaTrust.Lab - Local Media Lab for Civic Trust and Literacy (PTDC/COM-JOR/3866/2020). Currently, Inês is a team member of the funded projects YouNDigital - Youth, News and Digital Citizenship (PTDC/COM-OUT/0243/2021) and UnCover - Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape (2022.03964.PTDC). She was also a member of the projects SMaRT-EU (LC-01563446); Gender in Hate Pandemics: Social Media, Covid 19 and Women Journalists (FCT ID 758936851); VIOxMulheres19 (Proj. n.058 Gender Research4Covid-19); DeCoDe/M (PTDC/COM-CSS/31740/2017); Opportunities and Challenges of Journalism in Open Environments: Study of the Voices of Society Around Traditional Media and New Generation Participatory Sites (CSO2016-80703-R); MIA and EMEDUS. She was a consultant for the project (De)Othering: Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and "internal Others" in Portuguese and European mediascapes (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997). Inês is also a member of the Portuguese research team of the Global Media Monitoring Project 2020. Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), and the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM), she serves as co-coordinator of the Journalism and Society section of the Portuguese Association for Communication (SOPCOM). Currently, Inês is a member of three COST Actions (CCA18230 - Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations, CA17135 Constitution-making and deliberative democracy, and CA21107 - Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization), having participated in six others (CA15122 Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy; IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries; IS1401ELN European Literacy Network; IS1402 Ageism - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective; FP1104 New Possibilities for Print Media and Packaging - combining print with digital; ISO 906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies). Member of the ECREA, and the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM), where she served as co-coordinator of the Journalism and Society working group (2019-2022). Inês was an Invited Scientist Fellow at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid within the founded project ENCAGE-CM (S2015/HUM-3367), and an Invited Professor at the University of Cape Verde. She is a certified trainer by the Ministry of Education, the Union of Portuguese Journalists and the National Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuous Education. Inês is a co-founder of the Portuguese Association of Distance Education and Training and a Cyberjournalism Observatory and Media, Information and Literacy Observatory member. She was also co-coordinator of the Civic Tech group of the Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APDSI) and co-coordinator of the Luso-Brazilian School of Social Network Analysis. Inês main research areas include audiences and media consumption; social networks, participation and social media; media and digital literacy; gender and media. Among her latest publications are articles published or in press in journals such as the International Journal of Communication, European Journal of Women's Studies, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Media Studies, European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, Observatorio (OBS*), Prisma Social, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, and collections such as The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sexuality and Culture (Routledge, 2021), Digital Media (McGraw-Hill, 2021), The Sage International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (Sage, 2020), Perspective on Design (Springer, 2020), The Future of Audiences (Palgrave, 2018), Encyclopedia of Big Data (Springer, 2018), and Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games (Springer, 2018).
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Resultados 1-30 de 30.
Data de publicação | Título | Autor(es) | Tipo | Acesso | |
1 | 6-Fev-2024 | Apps e Jovens Adultos: Contributos para um Mapeamento de Práticas Mediadas | Amaral, Inês ; Flores, Ana Marta; Antunes, Eduardo | book | openAccess |
2 | 6-Fev-2024 | Apresentação | Amaral, Inês ; Flores, Ana Marta; Antunes, Eduardo | bookPart | openAccess |
3 | 2021 | Debunking the #Manosphere: An Exploratory Analysis on Patriarchy and Ageism Within the Digital Realm | Santos, Sofia José ; Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Brites, Maria José | bookPart | embargoedAccess |
4 | 2021 | Digital Aging: Reinforcing Normative Masculinities on Instagram | Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sofia José ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Brites, Maria José | bookPart | embargoedAccess |
5 | 6-Fev-2020 | Facebook y periodismo de proximidad: estudio de caso de los incendios en Portugal de 2017 | Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Jerónimo, Pedro; Fidalgo, Maribel | bookPart | openAccess |
6 | 11-Mar-2020 | Gender equality and diversity in the media: Policy intervention in Europe | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sílvio Correia | article | openAccess |
7 | 2021 | Generational Perspectives on EU Documents Tackling Disinformation | Brites, Maria José; Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Santos, Sofia José | bookPart | embargoedAccess |
8 | 11-Mar-2020 | Hate Speech in social media: perceptions and attitudes of higher education students in Portugal | Santos, Sílvio ; Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio | article | openAccess |
9 | 15-Dez-2023 | Introdução Discurso de ódio misógino: representações, impactos e intervenções | Simões, Rita Basílio de ; Amaral, Inês ; Puente, Sonia Núñez | article | openAccess |
10 | 2-Set-2021 | Liberdade de expressão e discurso de ódio: Consequências para o campo jornalístico | Costa, Bruno Miguel Frutuoso da | masterThesis | embargoedAccess |
11 | 2020 | Mapping Intergenerational Masculinities on Instagram | Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sofia José ; Brites, Maria José | bookPart | openAccess |
12 | 2020 | Masculinities and Ageing: Deconstructing Online Representations Among Portuguese Speaking Users | Santos, Sofia José ; Amaral, Inês ; Brites, Maria José | bookPart | openAccess |
13 | 11-Mar-2020 | Media education and digital inclusion: Tackling the social exlusion of disadvantaged grous in Europe | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sílvio | article | openAccess |
14 | 2021 | New Media, Old Misogyny: Framing mediated Madonna on Instagram from an Ageing Perspective | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sofia José ; Brites, Maria José | bookPart | embargoedAccess |
15 | 6-Fev-2024 | Olhar no Horizonte: Foresight Analysis | Amaral, Inês ; Antunes, Eduardo | bookPart | openAccess |
16 | 2021 | Online abuse against women: towards an evidence-based approach | Amaral, Inês ; Simões, R. B. | bookPart | openAccess |
17 | 15-Dez-2020 | Pós-feminismo, pós-racialismo e pós-colonialismo: A cobertura mediática da campanha de Joacine Katar Moreira | Simões, Rita Basílio de ; Amaral, Inês | article | openAccess |
18 | 2016 | Representações sociais do envelhecimento ativo num olhar genderizado | Daniel, Fernanda ; Caetano, Elsa ; Monteiro, Rosa ; Amaral, Inês | article | openAccess |
19 | Jul-2023 | Scripted Gender Practices: Young Adults Social Media App Uses in Portugal | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês ; Flores, Ana Marta M.; Antunes, Eduardo | article | openAccess |
20 | 2022 | Sexuality and self-tracking apps: Reshaping gender relations and sexual and reproductive practices | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês | bookPart | embargoedAccess |
21 | 2013 | Soft but not so: paradoxos num sistema de gestão de vendas na perspetiva dos seus agentes | Alegre, Jéssica ; Monteiro, Rosa ; Amaral, Inês | conferenceObject | openAccess |
22 | 11-Ago-2022 | Technology gap and other tensions in social support and legal procedures: stakeholders perceptions of online violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic | Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Poleac, Gabriela | article | openAccess |
23 | 2018 | The co-option of audiences in the attention economy: Introduction | Jorge, Ana; Amaral, Inês ; Mathieu, David | article | openAccess |
24 | 16-Jul-2018 | The exercise sex gap and the impact of the estrous cycle on exercise performance in mice | Aguiar, Aderbal S. ; Speck, Ana Elisa ; Amaral, Inês M. ; Canas, Paula M. ; Cunha, Rodrigo A. | article | openAccess |
25 | 31-Mai-2021 | The new feminist frontier on community-based learning: popular feminism, online misogyny, and toxic masculinities | Simões, Rita Basílio; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sofia José | article | openAccess |
26 | 10-Mar-2020 | The Unimaginable Rapist and the Backlash Against #MeToo in Portugal | Garraio, Júlia ; Santos, Sofia José ; Amaral, Inês ; Carvalho, Alexandre de Sousa | article | openAccess |
27 | 27-Jan-2021 | Tracking the Outbreak and Far beyond: How Are Public Authorities Using Mobile Apps to Control Covid-19 Pandemic | Simões, Rita Basílio ; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sílvio | bookPart | openAccess |
28 | 2021 | Violence, misogyny, and racism: young adults' perceptions of online hate speech | Amaral, I. ; Simões, R. B. | bookPart | openAccess |
29 | 16-Dez-2022 | Violência Online Contra as Mulheres: Relatos a Partir da Experiência da Pandemia da COVID-19 | Simões, Rita Basílio de ; Amaral, Inês ; Santos, Sílvio ; Alcantara, Juliana | article | openAccess |
30 | 22-Set-2023 | Who Are the Young Adults in Portugal? Daily Usage of Social Media and Mobile Phones, in a No-Kids and No-Independent Housing Context Results from a Representative Online Survey | Antunes, Eduardo ; Amaral, Inês ; Simões, Rita Basílio ; Flores, Ana Marta M. | article | openAccess |