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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 45749
EU - Europe 26884
AS - Asia, other 14314
SA - South America 1554
OC - Oceania 940
AF - Africa 481
Unknown 2446
Total 92368
Country #
US - United States of America 45607
PL - Poland 8437
PT - Portugal 8155
SG - Singapore 6343
CN - China 5879
DE - Germany 3270
IE - Ireland 2406
BR - Brazil 1430
AU - Australia 927
ID - Indonesia 861
other - Other Country 9028
Total 92343
City #
Ashburn 17675
Warsaw 8404
New York 3639
Inglewood 3043
Singapore 2840
Dublin 2223
Secaucus 1622
Coimbra 1470
Beijing 1117
Redmond 1004
other 44909
Total 87946
Most viewed items #
ID: 17227 - Adjustment Capacity of Maritime Pine Cambial Activity in Drought-Prone Environments 1092
ID: 17243 - Modelo de avaliação de sustentabilidade integrado e global para ecossistemas florestais: Bioenergia, produtos derivados de madeira e co-produtos 842
ID: 17222 - Structure and Function of Intra–Annual Density Fluctuations: Mind the Gaps 809
ID: 17184 - The role of avian ‘seed predators’ as seed dispersers 783
ID: 23594 - Sexual reproduction of the invasive pentaploid short-styled Oxalis pes-caprae L. 763
ID: 17186 - Colonization of the Galápagos Islands by plants with no specific syndromes for long-distance dispersal: a new perspective 749
ID: 14067 - Development, optimization and application of an analytical methodology by ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for determination of amanitins in urine and liver samples 744
ID: 17190 - Integration of exotic seeds into an Azorean seed dispersal network 720
ID: 17166 - Assessing the suitability and safety of a well-known bud-galling wasp, Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae, for biological control of Acacia longifolia in Portugal 684
ID: 17175 - Native congeners provide biotic resistance to invasive Potentilla through soil biota 610
ID: 22964 - Cambial activity and wood formation of Maritime pine in a drought-prone environment: the effect of growth rate, size and climate 510
ID: 17181 - Throwing the baby out with the bathwater: does laurel forest restoration remove a critical winter food supply for the critically endangered Azores bullfinch? 500
ID: 17179 - Effects of Alien Plants on Insect Abundance and Biomass: a Food-Web Approach 488
ID: 17182 - High survival rate of a critically endangered species, the Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina, as a contribution to population recovery 487
ID: 17219 - Contribution by vertebrates to seed dispersal effectiveness in the Galápagos Islands: a community-wide approach 466
ID: 17208 - Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus subcristatus) as a seed disperser 465
ID: 22289 - Tiptoeing between restoration and invasion: seed rain into natural gaps within a highly invaded relic forest in the Azores 465
ID: 17217 - A roadmap for island biology: 50 fundamental questions after 50 years of The Theory of Island Biogeography 463
ID: 17239 - Catálogo de correspondência recebida por Augusto Goltz de Carvalho (1878 ‑1914): reunião intelectual de documentos fisicamente dispersos 462
ID: 17185 - Frugivory and seed dispersal in the Galápagos: what is the state of the art? 457
ID: 19251 - The importance of lizards and small mammals as reservoirs for Borrelia lusitaniae in Portugal 451
ID: 23863 - Evolution of haploid chromosome numbers in the sunflower family. Are genomic duplications associated to ancient climate changes? 447
ID: 17167 - Impact of climate variability on ichthyoplankton communities: An example of a small temperate estuary 441
ID: 17176 - Evidence for enemy release and increased seed production and size for two invasive Australian acacias 441
ID: 17207 - Sampling completeness in seed dispersal networks: When enough is enough 441
ID: 17212 - Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities from tropical Africa reveal strong ecological structure 440
ID: 17209 - Dispersal of fungi spores by non-specialized flower-visiting birds 437
ID: 17173 - First known fire scar on a fossil tree trunk provides evidence of Late Triassic wildfire 435
ID: 17189 - Pollination patterns and plant breeding systems in the Galápagos: a review 433
ID: 17201 - Bird-flower visitation networks in the Galápagos unveil a widespread interaction release 430
ID: 17178 - Invasive and non-invasive congeneric Centaurea (Asteraceae) show contrasting patterns of herbivory by snails 429
ID: 44052 - O arquivo da família Oliveira Pimentel, de Torre de Moncorvo (Séculos XVII-XIX): classificação e representação da informação 429
ID: 17191 - Seed dispersal networks in the Galapagos and the consequences of alien plant invasions 428
ID: 17180 - Evaluation of restoration effectiveness: community response to the removal of alien plants 426
ID: 39772 - Plant Letters: A citizen science project uncovering historical biodiversity data 426
ID: 23615 - Uma estratégia para a discriminação entre compostos activos e inactivos em experiências de rastreio virtual : COX-1 como caso de estudo 424
ID: 17177 - Dispersal Pathways and Genetic Differentiation among Worldwide Populations of the Invasive Weed Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae) 423
ID: 17188 - Evidence for overlooked mechanisms of long-distance seed dispersal to and between oceanic islands 423
ID: 17233 - Seasonal and daily cycles of stem radial variation of Pinus pinaster in a drought-prone environment 423
ID: 17215 - Four-trophic level food webs reveal the cascading impacts of an invasive plant targeted for biocontrol 422
ID: 17218 - Meta-analyses and the "editorial love of controversy" 419
ID: 17202 - Seed-dispersal networks on the Canaries and the Galápagos archipelagos: interaction modules as biogeographical entities 415
ID: 17168 - Vertical patterns of ichthyoplankton at the interface between a temperate estuary and adjacent coastal waters: Seasonal relation to diel and tidal cycles 413
ID: 17211 - Refaunation and the reinstatement of the seed-dispersal function in Gorongosa National Park 410
ID: 17198 - Flower visitation by birds in Europe 408
ID: 17232 - Xylogenesis of Pinus pinaster under a Mediterranean climate 408
ID: 17241 - Age-dependent variations of radial growth, intra-annual density fluctuations and pointer years in Pinus pinaster under Mediterranean climate 407
ID: 17223 - Climatic Signals from Intra-annual Density Fluctuation Frequency in Mediterranean Pines at a Regional Scale 406
ID: 17210 - The Priolo Atlas: A citizen science-based census initiative for supporting Pyrrhula murina habitat conservation and restoration policies in São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal) 405
ID: 17199 - How do islands become green? 404
ID: 17183 - Status assessment of the Critically Endangered Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina 402
Total 25705

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 009391305 635776 3655
2020 789877 698966767642 54770731479 736924 8163
2021 1046647 477585493683 550547282387 319391 6407
2022 607601 1725397412285 6885591071963 12101087 9605
2023 702677 10541270232 573698566986 23612803 10779
2024 34265815 3767430145504364 4126443318990 00 36681
Ever 92368