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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 11463
EU - Europe 7152
AS - Asia, other 4122
SA - South America 1094
AF - Africa 275
OC - Oceania 240
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 1
Unknown 827
Total 25174
Country #
US - United States of America 11441
PT - Portugal 3477
CN - China 1821
SG - Singapore 1797
IE - Ireland 1288
BR - Brazil 1069
PL - Poland 895
DE - Germany 617
AU - Australia 238
ID - Indonesia 230
other - Other Country 2301
Total 25174
City #
Ashburn 3063
New York 1258
Dublin 1223
Coimbra 1102
Inglewood 969
Warsaw 865
Singapore 791
Secaucus 438
Hanover 382
Beijing 274
other 13270
Total 23635
Most viewed items #
ID: 19126 - The anterior versus posterior hippocampal oscillations debate in human spatial navigation: evidence from an electrocorticographic case study 1399
ID: 19127 - Tribal love: the neural correlates of passionate engagement in football fans 1106
ID: 19125 - Permutations of functional magnetic resonance imaging classification may not be normally distributed 804
ID: 19128 - Radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of a 18F-labelled styryl-benzoxazole derivative for β-amyloid targeting 783
ID: 19116 - Robust Single Trial Identification of Conscious Percepts Triggered by Sensory Events of Variable Saliency 727
ID: 19129 - Cyclosporine A enhances gluconeogenesis while sirolimus impairs insulin signaling in peripheral tissues after 3 weeks of treatment 652
ID: 19117 - Anterior/Posterior Competitive Deactivation/Activation Dichotomy in the Human Hippocampus as Revealed by a 3D Navigation Task 500
ID: 44478 - The Retinal Inner Plexiform Synaptic Layer Mirrors Grey Matter Thickness of Primary Visual Cortex with Increased Amyloid β Load in Early Alzheimer's Disease 400
ID: 31712 - Oscillatory motor patterning is impaired in neurofibromatosis type 1: a behavioural, EEG and fMRI study 397
ID: 46809 - Automatic classification of idiopathic Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes combining [11C]raclopride PET uptake and MRI grey matter morphometry 377
ID: 44483 - Identification of competing neural mechanisms underlying positive and negative perceptual hysteresis in the human visual system 346
ID: 44486 - Evidence for distinct levels of neural adaptation to both coherent and incoherently moving visual surfaces in visual area hMT 343
ID: 44484 - Morphometry and gyrification in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative MRI study 313
ID: 45206 - The dual nature of the BOLD signal: Responses in visual area hMT+ reflect both input properties and perceptual decision 298
ID: 48314 - A Fundamental Distinction in Early Neural Processing of Implicit Social Interpretation in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder 289
ID: 67843 - Image-based angio-adaptation modelling: a playground to study cerebrovascular development 285
ID: 53894 - Dual PET-fMRI reveals a link between neuroinflammation, amyloid binding and compensatory task-related brain activity in Alzheimer’s disease 284
ID: 45685 - Investigating the Spatial Associations Between Amyloid-β Deposition, Grey Matter Volume, and Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease 282
ID: 44480 - Integration of touch attention mechanisms to improve the robotic haptic exploration of surfaces 277
ID: 44487 - Pivotal role of hMT+ in long-range disambiguation of interhemispheric bistable surface motion 276
ID: 44488 - Interhemispheric Binding of Ambiguous Visual Motion Is Associated with Changes in Beta Oscillatory Activity but Not with Gamma Range Synchrony 252
ID: 44485 - Tracking perceptual decision mechanisms through changes in interhemispheric functional connectivity in human visual cortex 250
ID: 44939 - Volitional Modulation of the Left DLPFC Neural Activity Based on a Pain Empathy Paradigm A Potential Novel Therapeutic Target for Pain 234
ID: 49651 - Anti-Inflammatory and Antiproliferative Properties of Sweet Cherry Phenolic-Rich Extracts 198
ID: 67805 - Subtractive adaptation is a more effective and general mechanism in binocular rivalry than divisive adaptation 188
ID: 56054 - Software Bug Detection Causes a Shift From Bottom-Up to Top-Down Effective Connectivity Involving the Insula Within the Error-Monitoring Network 182
ID: 48151 - Complexes of Bifunctional DO3A-N-(α-amino)propinate Ligands with Mg(II), Ca(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Lanthanide(III) Ions: Thermodynamic Stability, Formation and Dissociation Kinetics, and Solution Dynamic NMR Studies 175
ID: 48343 - Effect of Exercise Training on Quality of Life after Colorectal and Lung Cancer Surgery: A Meta-Analysis 173
ID: 52784 - Motor Cortex Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance in Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A MRS-TMS Approach 173
ID: 51363 - Parahippocampal deactivation and hyperactivation of central executive, saliency and social cognition networks in autism spectrum disorder 170
ID: 56850 - Valorisation of Prunus avium L. By-Products: Phenolic Composition and Effect on Caco-2 Cells Viability 169
ID: 56204 - Sex-Dependent Social and Repetitive Behavior and Neurochemical Profile in Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder 156
ID: 55974 - A Stepwise Framework for the Systematic Development of Lipid Nanoparticles 153
ID: 53169 - A mathematical model for the corneal transparency problem 140
ID: 56328 - Characterization of the Portuguese population diagnosed with retinoblastoma 139
ID: 52882 - Slow fluctuations in ongoing brain activity decrease in amplitude with ageing yet their impact on task-related evoked responses is dissociable from behavior 137
ID: 53199 - C-Ring Oxidized Estrone Acetate Derivatives: Assessment of Antiproliferative Activities and Docking Studies 137
ID: 55597 - Cerebellar morphometric and spectroscopic biomarkers for Machado-Joseph Disease 137
ID: 54329 - Chemical characterization and cytotoxic potential of an ellagitannin-enriched fraction from Fragaria vesca leaves 136
ID: 57292 - A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic 131
ID: 59213 - Evaluation of dentinogenesis inducer biomaterials: an in vivo study 130
ID: 59516 - Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart. Leaves Increase SIRT1 Levels and Improve Stress Resistance 130
ID: 53597 - Intelligent Biofeedback Augmented Content Comprehension (TellBack) 129
ID: 56131 - Effects of Functional Phenolics Dietary Supplementation on Athletes' Performance and Recovery: A Review 129
ID: 57481 - The Effects of Tryptamine Psychedelics in the Brain: A meta-Analysis of Functional and Review of Molecular Imaging Studies 129
ID: 57510 - Attentional Cueing and Executive Deficits Revealed by a Virtual Supermarket Task Coupled With Eye-Tracking in Autism Spectrum Disorder 129
ID: 57294 - In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries 128
ID: 54103 - Pharmacokinetic Monitoring of Levetiracetam in Portuguese Refractory Epileptic Patients: Effect of Gender, Weight and Concomitant Therapy 126
ID: 56630 - Mitochondrial Alterations in Fibroblasts of Early Stage Bipolar Disorder Patients 122
ID: 53486 - Prunus avium L. (Sweet Cherry) By-Products: A Source of Phenolic Compounds with Antioxidant and Anti-Hyperglycemic Properties—A Review 120
ID: 54492 - Audiologist's Perspective in Auditory Rehabilitation: Implications for Ethical Conduct and Decision-Making in Portugal 120
Total 14960

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0064108 5457 283
2020 6268 57816851 3561141 4829 602
2021 549314 20212922293 7617351232 4074 2155
2022 172123 4727616780 99229296339 438305 2796
2023 292177 423610101 59161155546 9431141 4059
2024 14281718 1070131015381167 1382164500 00 11258
Ever 25174