Percorrer por autor Van den Brink, Paul J.

Mostrar resultados 1-3 de 3.
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)TipoAcesso
25-Fev-2009Ecological relationships between phytoplankton communities and different spatial scales in European reservoirs: implications at catchment level monitoring programmesCabecinha, Edna ; Van den Brink, Paul J. ; Cabral, João Alexandre ; Cortes, Rui ; Lourenço, Martinho ; Pardal, Miguel Ângelo articleopenAccess
2014Effects of azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil, and ethoprophos on the reproduction of three terrestrial invertebrates using a natural Mediterranean soilLeitão, Sara ; Cerejeira, M. José ; Van den Brink, Paul J. ; Sousa, J. P. articleopenAccess
2014Ethoprophos fate on soil–water interface and effects on non-target terrestrial and aquatic biota under Mediterranean crop-based scenariosLeitão, Sara ; Moreira-Santos, Matilde ; Van den Brink, Paul J. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Cerejeira, M. José ; Sousa, J. P. articleopenAccess