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Title: Disentangling shallow-water bulk carbonate carbon isotope archives with evidence for multi-stage diagenesis: An in-depth component-specific petrographic and geochemical study from Oman (mid-Cretaceous)
Authors: Huck, Stefan
Wohlwend, Stephan
Coimbra, Rute 
Christ, Nicolas
Weissert, Helmut
Keywords: Arabian carbonate platform; Barremian– Aptian; multi-stage diagenesis; shallow-water chemostratigraphy
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Project: SNF project IM44/2- 1 
FCT - Post-Doctoral Fellowship SFRH/BPD/92376/2013 
Serial title, monograph or event: Depositional Record
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Abstract: Disentangling shallow-water bulk carbonate carbon isotope archives into primary and diagenetic components is a notoriously difficult task and even diagenetically screened records often provide chemostratigraphic patterns that significantly differ from global signals. This is mainly caused by the polygenetic nature of shallow-water carbonate substrates, local carbon cycle processes causing considerable neritic–pelagic isotope gradients and the presence of hiatal surfaces resulting in extremely low carbonate preservation rates. Provided here is an in-depth petrographic and geochemical evaluation of different carbonate phases of a mid-Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) shallow-water limestone succession (Jabal Madar section) deposited on the tropical Arabian carbonate platform in Oman. The superposition of stable isotope signatures of identified carbonate phases causes a complex and often noisy bulk carbon isotope pattern. Blocky sparite cements filling intergranular pores and bioclastic voids evidence intermediate to (arguably) deep burial diagenetic conditions during their formation, owing to different timing or differential faulting promoting the circulation of fluids from variable sources. In contrast, sparite cements filling sub-vertical veins reveal a rock-buffered diagenetic fluid composition with an intriguing moderate enrichment in 13C, probably due to fractionation during pressure release in the context of the Miocene exhumation of the carbonate platform under study. The presence of abundant, replacive dedolomite in mudsupported limestone samples forced negative carbon and oxygen isotope changes that are either associated with the thermal breakdown of organic matter in the deep burial realm or the expulsion of buried meteoric water in the intermediate burial realm. Notwithstanding the documented stratigraphically variable and often facies-related impact of different diagenetic fluids on the bulk-rock stable isotope signature, the identification of diagenetic end-members defined d13C and d18O threshold values that allowed the most reliable ‘primary’ bulk carbon isotope signatures to be extracted. Most importantly, this approach exemplifies how to place regional shallow-water stable isotope patterns with evidence for a complex multi-stage diagenetic history into a supraregional or even global context.
ISSN: 20554877
DOI: 10.1002/dep2.35
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:I&D MARE - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais

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