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Region #
NA - North America 25439
EU - Europe 15124
AS - Asia, other 7863
SA - South America 1216
OC - Oceania 574
AF - Africa 370
Unknown 1510
Total 52096
Country #
US - United States of America 25232
PT - Portugal 5099
PL - Poland 3594
SG - Singapore 3260
CN - China 3059
DE - Germany 1851
IE - Ireland 1283
BR - Brazil 1143
SE - Sweden 995
AU - Australia 563
other - Other Country 5999
Total 52078
City #
Ashburn 8558
Warsaw 3575
New York 2550
Inglewood 1644
Singapore 1457
Coimbra 901
Secaucus 900
Dublin 870
Hanover 620
Beijing 537
other 26441
Total 48053
Most viewed items #
ID: 19254 - The Nazaré coast, the submarine canyon and the giant waves : a synthesis 2243
ID: 21334 - As falésias calcárias da Península de Peniche (Costa Ocidental Portuguesa): Inventariação e caracterização do património geológico 1630
ID: 19252 - Diversity of Bacteria Carried by Pinewood Nematode in USA and Phylogenetic Comparison with Isolates from Other Countries 1234
ID: 31071 - The Lourinhã Formation: the Upper Jurassic to lower most Cretaceous of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal – landscapes where dinosaurs walked 1012
ID: 19247 - Ecological and morphological features of Amyloodinium ocellatum occurrences in cultivated gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L.; A case study 820
ID: 19246 - Quantitative real-time PCR as a promising tool for the detection and quantification of leaf-associated fungal species – A proof-of-concept using Alatospora pulchella 767
ID: 19253 - A 2D parallel diffusive wave model for floodplain inundation with variable time step (P-DWave) 749
ID: 19248 - Vegetational composition of the Early Cretaceous Chicalhão flora (Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal) based on palynological and mesofossil assemblages 691
ID: 19249 - Consumption and feeding preference of Echinogammarus marinus on two different algae: fucus vesiculosus and Ulva intestinalis 602
ID: 31088 - How did the AD 1755 tsunami impact on sand barriers across the southern coast of Portugal? 501
ID: 19250 - Unrevealing the interactive effects of climate change and oil contamination on lab-simulated estuarine benthic communities 499
ID: 22289 - Tiptoeing between restoration and invasion: seed rain into natural gaps within a highly invaded relic forest in the Azores 465
ID: 19251 - The importance of lizards and small mammals as reservoirs for Borrelia lusitaniae in Portugal 449
ID: 31204 - Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Algarve margin (offshore Portugal, southwestern Iberian Peninsula) 447
ID: 21226 - Contaminated water, stream sediments and soils close to the abandoned Pinhal do Souto uranium mine, central Portugal 430
ID: 31148 - Mars periglacial punctual features analyses 426
ID: 31150 - Records of human occupation from Pleistocene river terrace and aeolian sediments in the Arneiro depression (Lower Tejo River, central eastern Portugal) 419
ID: 21204 - Tectonic classification of Cenozoic Iberian foreland basins 412
ID: 31112 - Characterization and dating of coastal deposits of NW Portugal (Minho–Neiva area): A record of climate, eustasy and crustal uplift during the Quaternary 412
ID: 31092 - Geocronología de los yacimientos achelenses de Pinedo y Cien Fanegas (Valle del Tajo) e implicaciones en la evolución fluvial en el entorno de Toledo (España) 404
ID: 67872 - Freshwater fungal biology 404
ID: 21208 - Geomorphological correlation of the tectonically displaced Tejo river terraces (Gavião-Chamusca area, central Portugal) supported by luminescence dating 403
ID: 21214 - Tectonic control of the Tejo river fluvial incision during the late Cenozoic, in Rodão - central Portugal (Atlantic Iberian border) 403
ID: 31086 - Pleistocene Birds of Gruta da Furninha (Peniche-Portugal): A Paleontological and Paleoenvironmental Aproach 400
ID: 31125 - An exceptionally long paleoseismic record of a slow-moving fault: The Alhama de Murcia fault (Eastern Betic shear zone, Spain) 395
ID: 31149 - Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartzite cobbles from the Tapada do Montinho archaeological site (east-central Portugal) 394
ID: 21206 - Optical dating of clastic deposits generated by an extreme marine coastal flood: the 1755 tsunami deposits in the Algarve (Portugal) 387
ID: 31160 - Evolution in the provenance of a tectonically controlled Plio–Pleistocene alluvial system between the Variscan Iberian Massif and the Atlantic margin, Portugal 387
ID: 21222 - Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) calcareous nannofossils from the Peniche section (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): A clue for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions 382
ID: 31119 - Incorporating Descriptive Metadata into Seismic Source Zone Models for Seismic-Hazard Assessment: A Case Study of the Azores-West Iberian Region 379
ID: 31152 - The River Mondego terraces at the Figueira da Foz coastal area (western central Portugal): Geomorphological and sedimentological characterization of a terrace staircase affected by differential uplift and glacio-eustasy 376
ID: 31087 - Tectonic and lithological controls on fluvial landscape development in central-eastern Portugal: Insights from long profile tributary stream analyses 371
ID: 31072 - Potential toxic elements in stream sediments, soils and waters in an abandoned radium mine (central Portugal) 366
ID: 31117 - Evolutionary history and population genetics of a cyprinid fish (Iberochondrostoma olisiponensis) endangered by introgression from a more abundant relative 363
ID: 31161 - Patterns of grain-size temporal variation of sediment transported by overland flow associated with moving storms: interpreting soil flume experiments 360
ID: 17169 - Long-term changes in the production by estuarine macrobenthos affected by multiple stressors 357
ID: 31147 - Luminescence dating of Pleistocene alluvial sediments affected by the Alhama de Murcia fault (eastern Betics, Spain) - a comparison between OSL, IRSL and post-IRIRSL ages 356
ID: 31075 - New data on the chronology of the Vale do Forno sedimentary sequence (Lower Tejo River terrace staircase) and its relevance as a fluvial archive of the Middle Pleistocene in western Iberia 352
ID: 31123 - Typological classification of clayey raw materials for ceramics manufacture, in the Tábua region (central Portugal) 351
ID: 21216 - An attempt to correct for the fading in million year old basaltic rocks 340
ID: 22259 - Copper-driven avoidance and mortality in temperate and tropical tadpoles 338
ID: 31089 - Spatial variability of soils and stream sediments and the remediation effects in a Portuguese uranium mine area 338
ID: 31151 - Techniques for analysing Late Cenozoic river terrace sequences 336
ID: 21223 - Can biogeochemistry aid in the palaeoenvironmental/early diagenesis reconstruction of the ˜187 Ma (Pliensbachian) organic-rich hemipelagic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)? 327
ID: 31108 - The Iberian Massif Landscape and Fluvial Network in Portugal: a geoheritage inventory based on the scientific value 327
ID: 31091 - The stratified slope deposits of Tierra del Fogo (Argentina) as an annalogue for similar pleistocene deposits in Galicia (NW Spain) 323
ID: 31073 - Controls on dryland mountain landscape development along the NW Saharan desert margin: Insights from Quaternary river terrace sequences (Dadès River, south-central High Atlas, Morocco) 320
ID: 21207 - Geoarcheology of Pleistocene open-air sites in the Vila Nova da Barquinha - Santa Cita area (Lower Tejo River basin, central Portugal) 319
ID: 31074 - Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity: Progress during the 20 years of the Fluvial Archives Group 316
ID: 21203 - The earliest Pleistocene archaeological sites in western Iberia: present evidences and research prospects 314
ID: 22258 - The influence of cadmium contamination and salinity on the survival, growth and phytoremediation capacity of the saltmarsh plant Salicornia ramosissima 312
Total 25708

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00537812 354385 2088
2020 458455 361597367458 19842214349 290354 4323
2021 221346 224322220296 180349184417 265249 3273
2022 443435 1089295382224 640525687620 492566 6398
2023 281366 537450143 194308295552 13071801 5829
2024 20163451 2303269028643484 2440249730 00 21748
Ever 52096