CFE - Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet

Organization name
CFE - Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 301-320 of 846 (Search time: 0.038 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
30111-Oct-2024Evidence of a European seed dispersal crisisMendes, Sara Beatriz ; Olesen, Jens Mogens; Memmott, Jane ; Costa, José Miguel ; Timóteo, Sérgio; Dengucho, Ana Laura; Craveiro, Leonardo; Heleno, RubenarticleopenAccess
3222023Evidence of time-lag in the provision of ecosystem services by tropical regenerating forests to coffee yieldsGonzález-Chaves, Adrian David ; Gigante Carvalheiro, Luísa; Ribero Piffer, Pedro; d’Albertas, Francisco; Giannini, Tereza Cristina; Viana, Blandina Felipe; Metzger, Jean PaularticleopenAccess
32326-Apr-2024Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoosMerondun, Justin; Marques, Cristiana I; Andrade, Pedro; Meshcheryagina, Swetlana; Galván, Ismael; Afonso, Sandra ; Alves, Joel M; Araújo, Pedro M. ; Bachurin, Gennadiy; Balacco, Jennifer; Bán, Miklós; Fedrigo, Olivier; Formenti, Giulio; Fossøy, Frode; Fülöp, Attila; Golovatin, Mikhail; Granja, Sofia; Hewson, Chris; Honza, Marcel; Howe, Kerstin; Larson, Greger; Marton, Attila; Moskát, Csaba; Mountcastle, Jacquelyn; Procházka, Petr; Red'kin, Yaroslav; Sims, Ying; Šulc, Michal; Tracey, Alan; Wood, Jonathan M D; Jarvis, Erich D; Hauber, Mark E; Carneiro, Miguel ; Wolf, Jochen B WarticleopenAccess
324Apr-2023Evolution of TOP1 and TOP1MT Topoisomerases in ChordataMoreira, Filipa de Carvalho ; Arenas, Miguel; Videira, Arnaldo; Pereira, Filipe articleopenAccess
3254-Oct-2018Evolutionary ecology of polyploids: understanding species coexistence at the contact zonesCastro, Mariana Oliveira doctoralThesisembargoedAccess
3262017Evolutionary history of the endangered shrub snapdragon (Galvezia leucantha) of the Galápagos IslandsGuzmán, Beatriz ; Heleno, Ruben ; Nogales, Manuel ; Simbaña, Walter ; Traveset, Anna ; Vargas, Pablo articleopenAccess
3272022Ex Vitro Simultaneous Acclimatization and Rooting of In Vitro Propagated Tamarillo Plants (Solanum betaceum Cav.): Effect of the Substrate and Mineral NutritionPirata, Madalena Salgado; Correia, Sandra ; Canhoto, Jorge articleopenAccess
3282007Exchanged identities in a complex multiple homicide case. Identification and cause of deathCunha, Eugénia ; Pinheiro, João ; Pinto-Ribeiro, Isabel ; Vieira, Duarte articleopenAccess
329Jul-2023Exercício colaborativo de cocriação de uma agenda para desconstruir a divisão sociedade-naturezaPereira, Ana Luísa ; Justo, Cristina; Dantas, David; Meira, Diana; Freire, Elisabete; Martins, Elisabete ; Martins, Filipa ; Oliveira, Filipa; Lameira, Isabel; Bernardes, Jorge; Lima, Lígia; Loução, Luísa; Viana, Margarida; Lima, Nuno Renato; Castanheira, Rita; Amaral, Sandra; Romashchuk, Valentyna; Ruano, Zita; Mateus, Teresa Letra; Vidal, Diogo Guedes otheropenAccess
33010-Sep-2023Expanding the Microcolonial Black Fungi Aeminiaceae Family: Saxispiralis lemnorum gen. et sp. nov. (Mycosphaerellales), Isolated from Deteriorated Limestone in the Lemos Pantheon, PortugalPaiva, Diana S. ; Trovão, João ; Fernandes, Luís ; Mesquita, Nuno ; Tiago, Igor ; Portugal, António articleopenAccess
33121-Apr-2023Exploring Differences in Culturable Fungal Diversity Using Standard Freezing Incubation-A Case Study in the Limestones of Lemos Pantheon (Portugal)Paiva, Diana S. ; Fernandes, Luís ; Pereira, Emilia ; Trovão, João ; Mesquita, Nuno ; Tiago, Igor ; Portugal, António articleopenAccess
3322023Exploring the Acceptability of an Environmental Education Program for Youth in Rural Areas: ECOCIDADANIA ProjectSilva, Isabel S. ; Cunha-Saraiva, Filipa ; Ribeiro, Ana Sofia ; Bártolo, Ana articleopenAccess
3332017Extensive analysis of native and non-native Centaurea solstitialis L. populations across the world shows no traces of polyploidizationIrimia, Ramona-Elena ; Montesinos, Daniel ; Eren, Özkan ; Lortie, Christopher J. ; French, Kristine ; Cavieres, Lohengrin A. ; Sotes, Gastón J. ; Hierro, Jose L. ; Jorge, Andreia ; Loureiro, João articleopenAccess
3342020Extinction risk and threats to plants and fungiNic Lughadha, Eimear; Bachman, Steven P.; Leão, Tarciso C. C.; Forest, Félix; Halley, John M.; Moat, Justin; Acedo, Carmen; Bacon, Karen L.; Brewer, Ryan F. A.; Gâteblé, Gildas; Gonçalves, Susana C. ; Govaerts, Rafaël; Hollingsworth, Peter M.; Krisai‐Greilhuber, Irmgard; Lirio, Elton J.; Moore, Paloma G. P.; Negrão, Raquel; Onana, Jean Michel; Rajaovelona, Landy R.; Razanajatovo, Henintsoa; Reich, Peter B.; Richards, Sophie L.; Rivers, Malin C.; Cooper, Amanda; Iganci, João; Lewis, Gwilym P.; Smidt, Eric C.; Antonelli, Alexandre; Mueller, Gregory M.; Walker, Barnaby E.articleopenAccess
335Dec-2016Extracellular electrical recording of pH-triggered bursts in C6 glioma cell populationsRocha, Paulo R. F. ; Medeiros, Maria C. R. ; Kintzel, Ulrike; Vogt, Johannes; Araújo, Inês M. ; Mestre, Ana L. G.; Mailänder, Volker; Schlett, Paul; Dröge, Melanie; Schneider, Leonid; Biscarini, Fabio; de Leeuw, Dago M.; Gomes, Henrique L.articleopenAccess
3362021Extreme Growth Increments Reveal Local and Regional Climatic Signals in Two Pinus pinaster PopulationsVieira, Joana ; Nabais, Cristina ; Campelo, Filipe articleopenAccess
3372023Factors determining the occupancy of nest-boxes by Great Tits (Parus major) in eucalypt plantationsCeia, Ricardo S. ; Lopes, Pedro B. ; da Silva, Luís P. articleopenAccess
3382018Farmer Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services Provided by Scavengers: What, Who, and to WhomMorales-Reyes, Zebensui; Martín-López, Berta; Moleón, Marcos; Mateo-Tomás, Patricia ; Botella, Francisco; Margalida, Antoni; Donázar, José A.; Blanco, Guillermo; Pérez, Irene; Sánchez-Zapata, José A.articleopenAccess
3392007The faunal role in the degradation of the common intertidal salt marsh plant Scirpus maritimusLillebø, A. ; Flindt, M. ; Pardal, M. ; Cardoso, P. ; Ferreira, S. ; Marques, J. articleopenAccess
3402007Fe2O3/aluminum thermite reaction intermediate and final products characterizationDurães, Luísa ; Costa, Benilde F. O. ; Santos, Regina ; Correia, António ; Campos, José ; Portugal, António articleopenAccess