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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
Dec-2006Binnie, Jon, The Globalization of SexualitySantos, Ana Cristina reviewopenAccess
2021Bisexuality in Europe: Sexual Citizenship, Romantic Relationships, and Bi+ Identities, editado por Emiel Maliepaard e Renate Baumgartner. London: Routledge, 2020, 222 pp.Esteves, Mafalda reviewopenAccess
2011Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Descolonizar el saber, reinventar el poderAguiló Bonet, Antoni Jesús reviewopenAccess
Jun-2020Book review of A research agenda for creative tourismCastro, Tiago Vinagre reviewopenAccess
Jun-2020Book review of Social innovation and sustainable consumption: Research and action for societal changePinto, Hugo reviewopenAccess
Jul-2022Book Review: "Zero Altitude. How I Learned to Fly Less and Travel More"Vidal, Diogo Guedes reviewopenAccess
2008Book Review: Daniel K. Cortese, Are We Thinking Straight? The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian and Gay Social Movement Organization. New York and London: Routledge, 2006. 213 pp. ISBN 0-415-97701-0. £45.00Santos, Ana Cristina reviewopenAccess
7-May-2017Book Review: Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Social MovementsRicarte, Joana reviewopenAccess
2009Book Review: Kimberly B. Dugan, The Struggle Over Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Rights. Facing Off in Cincinnati. New York and London: Routledge, 2005. 150 pp. ISBN 0-415-97233-7. £50.00Santos, Ana Cristina reviewopenAccess
2012Book review: Representing Justice: Invention, Controversy, and Rights in City-States and Democratic CourtroomsBranco, Patrícia reviewopenAccess
2018Book Review: Stéphanie Latte Abdallah and Cédric Parizot (eds), Israelis and Palestinians in the Shadows of the Wall: Spaces of Separation and OccupationRicarte, Joana reviewopenAccess
2018Books Reviewed: Fleming, John V. Luís de Camões: The Poet as Scriptural Exegete. Woodbridge, UK: Tamesis, 2017. xi + 219 pp. Notes. Appendices. Works Cited. Index.Marnoto, Rita reviewopenAccess
2021Boyer, Robert (2020), Les capitalismes à l’épreuve de la pandémiePinto, Hugo reviewopenAccess
2011Brenda D. Phillips, Deborah S.K. Thomas, Alice Fothergill, Lynn Blinn‑Pike (orgs.), Social Vulnerability to DisastersFreiria, Susana reviewopenAccess
2022Butler, Judith (2021), A força da não-violênciaFidalgo, Pedro reviewopenAccess
2015Cabral, Maria Luísa (2014), A Real Biblioteca e os seus criadores: em Lisboa, 1755-1803Sequeiros, Paula reviewopenAccess
2015Caleiras, Jorge (2015), Para lá dos números. As consequências pessoais do desemprego, Coimbra, AlmedinaValadas, Carla reviewopenAccess
2019Caloiros e Doutores. Um Estudo Sociológico sobre a Praxe Académica em Portugal, de João Teixeira Lopes et al.Bebiano, Rui reviewopenAccess
17-Feb-2013Caminhos da Água – Paisagens e Usos na Longa DuraçãoEncarnação, José d' reviewopenAccess
2016Campbell, Miranda (2013), Out of the Basement. Youth Cultural Production in Practice and in PolicyQuintela, Pedro reviewopenAccess