Browsing by Author Yudin, Ivan
Results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access |
2017 | An action of the Hecke monoid on rational modules for the Borel subgroup of a quantised general linear group | Santana, Ana Paula ; Yudin, Ivan | article | embargoedAccess |
2016 | Cosymplectic p-spheres | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | embargoedAccess |
8-Dec-2014 | Covariant Lie derivatives and Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket on Lie Algebroids | De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
14-Feb-2013 | Curvature properties of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds | Cappelletti Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
13-Nov-2013 | Examples of compact K-contact manifolds with no Sasakian metric | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Marrero, Juan Carlos ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
12-Feb-2016 | Generalized Goldberg Formula | De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
17-Apr-2013 | Homological properties of quantised Borel-Schur algebras and resolutions of quantised Weyl modules | Donkin, Stephen ; Santana, Ana Paula ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
3-Jun-2016 | A non-Sasakian Lefschetz K-contact manifold of Tievsky type | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Marrero, Juan Carlos ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
Feb-2018 | On Auslander-Reiten sequences for Borel-Schur algebras | Erdmann, Karin ; Santana, Ana Paula ; Yudin, Ivan | article | embargoedAccess |
Feb-2018 | On nearly Sasakian and nearly cosymplectic manifolds | De Nicola, Antonio ; Dileo, Giulia ; Yudin, Ivan | article | embargoedAccess |
2010 | Perfect category-graded algebras | Santana, Ana Paula ; Yudin, Ivan | preprint | openAccess |
2015 | Sasakian nilmanifolds | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; Nicola, Antonio De ; Marrero, Juan Carlos ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
2009 | Semi-perfect category-graded algebras | Yudin, Ivan | preprint | openAccess |
2014 | Stratifying ideals and twisted products | Santana, Ana Paula ; Yudin, Ivan | bookPart | openAccess |
16-May-2013 | A survey on cosymplectic geometry | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |
2013 | Topology of 3-cosymplectic manifolds | Cappelletti-Montano, Beniamino ; De Nicola, Antonio ; Yudin, Ivan | article | openAccess |