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Title: Prevenção e Mitigação: a contribuição da agroecologia no combate à desertificação do Semiárido Nordestino
Authors: Henig, Edir Vilmar
Orientador: Mendes, José Manuel
Santos, Irenilda Ângela dos
Keywords: Reforma Agrária; Políticas Públicas; Agroecologia; Tecnologias Sociais; Desertificação; Agrarian Reform; Public policy; Agroecology; Social Technologies; Desertification
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2018
Place of publication or event: Coimbra
Abstract: A proposta deste trabalho é fazer uma análise da construção histórica da estrutura fundiária do Brasil. Leva em conta os principais regimes políticos presente no Brasil até a atualidade. Traz ao debate os movimentos sociais que ao decorrer do tempo surgem e militam pela reforma agrária e a justiça social no campo. Colocamos na discussão a importância da reforma agrária como política pública necessária para a distribuição de terras, renda e promoção da agroecologia enquanto forma produtiva para os agricultores do semiárido nordestino. Analisamos a agroecologia enquanto modelo produtivo que beneficia aos agricultores do Território do Sertão do Araripe pernambucano. Este estudo também destaca a importância das tecnologias sociais agroecológicas para o combate à desertificação no semiárido nordestino. As Tecnologias Sociais surgem como resposta aos anseios dos agricultores empobrecidos que necessitam de uma nova possibilidade ao seu pertencimento no meio rural, o que garante aos mesmos, participação produtiva com poucos recursos e com respeito ao ambiente, inibindo desta forma exclusão social promovida pela hegemonia do agronegócio. A proposta das Tecnologias Sociais é impulsionar a transformação social através de produtos, métodos e técnicas produtivas que tenham por finalidade a promoção social, econômica e ambiental dos envolvidos no cultivo agrícola. A região do semiárido nordestino tem como característica básica o déficit hídrico e com grande incidência de energia solar. A região semiárida compõe percentual elevado de extensão territorial no Brasil e oferecem ainda condições adversas como solo raso, alta evaporação devido a retirada da cobertura vegetal e da exploração incorreta dos recursos naturais, o que atesta a necessidades de cuidados especiais por parte dos agricultores para garantir a produção agrícola neste espaço. Temos por objetivo analisar se a agroecologia auxilia na recuperação de áreas degradadas, e de que forma a mesma pode contribuir com a preservação dos riscos ambientais causados principalmente pela agricultura conservadora, que é responsável historicamente pelo grande desmatamento ocorrido no Brasil em todas as suas regiões, em especifico da região do semiárido nordestino, ainda pretendemos levantar se este modo produtivo causa impactos sociais e econômicos para pessoas que vivem em comunidades que utilizam este modo de produção. Para chegarmos as respostas que buscamos com esta investigação, utilizamos a pesquisa quali-quantitativa com a aplicação de questionários semiestruturados, a observação e recolha de dados junto a instituição que apoiam ou desenvolvem projetos ligados a agroecologia no Território do Sertão do Araripe pernambucano. Estabelecemos um debate em torno das legislações existentes e de bibliografias de referências de pesquisadores que se debruçaram em investigar a temática. Através desta investigação, chegamos à conclusão de que a agroecologia é de fato um instrumento de promoção social e econômica que beneficia os trabalhadores dos sertanejos, além de proteger o meio ambiente e os recursos naturais, potencializando a convivência com o semiárido, mas que carece de atenção do Estado para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas que apoiem a produção agroecológica, e a efetivação das políticas já existentes. The proposal of this work is to make an analysis of the historical construction of the land structure of the Brazil. It takes into account the main political regimes present in Brazil until nowadays. It brings a debate on social movements that monitor time on violence and peace in agrarian reform and social justice in the countryside. We put the discussion on agrarian reform as a public policy for land distribution, on the promotion and promotion of agroecology for farmers in the semi - arid Northeast. We analyze agroecology as a productive model that benefits the farmers of the Territory of the Serarião do Araripe pernambucano. This study also describes a value of agroecological social technologies to combat desertification in the n ortheastern semi - arid region. Social Technologies arise as a response to the farmers of impoverished farmers who need a new possibility for their belonging in the rural environment, which guarantees them, productive participation with few resources and res pect for the environment, thus inhibiting social exclusion promoted by the Hegemony of Agribusiness. The proposal of Social Technologies is to promote a social transformation through the products, methods and techniques of production that have the purpose of social, economic and environmental promotion of those involved in agricultural cultivation. The Northeastern semiarid region has as its basic characteristic the water deficit and high incidence of solar energy. A semi - arid region composed of a territori al level of territorial extension in Brazil and a condition of adverse conditions such as shallow soil, high evaporation due to a withdrawal of vegetation cover and an incorrect exploitation of the natural resources; Agricultural production in this space. We aim to analyze agroecology for the recovery of degraded areas and how we can contribute to the preservation of environmental risks caused mainly by conservative agriculture, which is historically responsible for the great deforestation that occurred in Brazil in all its regions. Of the northeastern semi - arid region are still simulations to raise this productive mode causes social and economic impacts for people living in communities that use this mode of production. In the scope of the survey, use a qual itative survey with an application of semi - structured questionnaires, an observation and data collection with an organization that supports or develops projects linked to an agroecology in the Territory of Serralão do Araripe pernambucano. We established a debate around the existing legislations and reference bibliographies of researchers who investigated a thematic. Through this research, he concluded the conclusion that an agroecology is indeed an instrument of social and economic promotion that benefits the workers of the sertanejos, besides protecting the environment and natural resources, the possibility of living with the semi - arid, but lacking Of State attention for the development of public policies that support agroecological production, and the imp lementation of existing policies.
The proposal of this work is to make an analysis of the historical construction of the land structure of the Brazil. It takes into account the main political regimes present in Brazil until nowadays. It brings a debate on social movements that monitor time on violence and peace in agrarian reform and social justice in the countryside. We put the discussion on agrarian reform as a public policy for land distribution, on the promotion and promotion of agroecology for farmers in the semi-arid Northeast. We analyze agroecology as a productive model that benefits the farmers of the Territory of the Serarião do Araripe pernambucano. This study also describes a value of agroecological social technologies to combat desertification in the northeastern semiarid region. Social Technologies arise as a response to the farmers of impoverished farmers who need a new possibility for their belonging in the rural environment, which guarantees them, productive participation with few resources and respect for the environment, thus inhibiting social exclusion promoted by the Hegemony of Agribusiness. The proposal of Social Technologies is to promote a social transformation through the products, methods and techniques of production that have the purpose of social, economic and environmental promotion of those involved in agricultural cultivation. The Northeastern semiarid region has as its basic characteristic the water deficit and high incidence of solar energy. A semi-arid region composed of a territorial level of territorial extension in Brazil and a condition of adverse conditions such as shallow soil, high evaporation due to a withdrawal of vegetation cover and an incorrect exploitation of the natural resources; Agricultural production in this space. We aim to analyze agroecology for the recovery of degraded areas and how we can contribute to the preservation of environmental risks caused mainly by conservative agriculture, which is historically responsible for the great deforestation that occurred in Brazil in all its regions. Of the northeastern semi-arid region are still simulations to raise this productive mode causes social and economic impacts for people living in communities that use this mode of production. In the scope of the survey, use a qualitative survey with an application of semi-structured questionnaires, an observation and data collection with an organization that supports or develops projects linked to an agroecology in the Territory of Serralão do Araripe pernambucano. We established a debate around the existing legislations and reference bibliographies of researchers who investigated a thematic. Through this research, he concluded the conclusion that an agroecology is indeed an instrument of social and economic promotion that benefits the workers of the sertanejos, besides protecting the environment and natural resources, the possibility of living with the semi-arid, but lacking Of State attention for the development of public policies that support agroecological production, and the implementation of existing policies.
Description: Tese de Doutoramento em Território, Risco e Políticas Públicas apresentada ao Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Coimbra
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:IIIUC - Teses de Doutoramento
UC - Teses de Doutoramento

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