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Title: The European Portuguese version of the Children ChronoType Questionnaire (CCTQ): reliability and raw scores in a large continental sample
Authors: Couto, D. 
Gomes, A. Allen 
Pinto de Azevedo, H. 
Bos, S. 
Leitão, J. A. 
Silva, C. F. 
Orientador: Gomes, Ana Allen
Issue Date: 2014
Project: Supported by Research Project PTDC/PSIEDD/ 120003/2010 funded by FCT/COMPETE/ QREN. 
Serial title, monograph or event: Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (s1), 160
Volume: 23
Issue: s1
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:I&D CINEICC - Artigos e Resumos em Livros de Actas

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