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Title: A Arte do Jogo nas Escolas - A capoeira em diferentes espaços educacionais brasileiros
Authors: Andrade, Bruno Amaral 
Orientador: Meneses, Maria Paula
Ribeiro, António
Keywords: Direitos interculturais; Capoeira nas escolas; Ecologia de saberes; Violência fria; Intercultural rights; Capoeira in schools
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2016
Citation: ANDRADE, Bruno Amaral - A arte do Jogo nas escolas : a capoeira em diferentes espaços educacionais brasileiros. Coimbra : [s.n.], 2016. Tese de doutoramento. Disponível na WWW:
Abstract: A presente tese aborda a inserção da capoeira em escolas brasileiras com o objetivo de realizar uma análise sobre a efetivação dos direitos culturais, no que se refere à cultura brasileira afro-referenciada. Tratar de direitos culturais numa realidade pós-colonial passa por revisar a concepção universalista hegemônica acerca dos direitos humanos. Para tal, foi necessária a formulação do conceito de direitos interculturais para dar conta do desafio implicado na concretização de cidadania cultural no contexto brasileiro. O campo educacional é estratégico por se constituir no lugar onde se verifica uma tensão entre os saberes legitimados oficialmente e aqueles historicamente excluídos ou subalternizados pela concepção epistemológica hegemônica. A capoeira é aqui entendida como uma prática de conhecimento multifacetada, marcada por diferentes discursos identitários que reivindicam diversos espaços sociais, com destaque para uma inserção qualificada no campo educacional. Antes de situar historicamente a presença da capoeira e, consequentemente, dos seus protagonistas no contexto escolar, foi preciso empreender uma genealogia das narrativas fundadoras dos marcadores identitários constitutivos do universo diverso que compõe a capoeira, nomeadamente a que reivindica uma brasilidade e a que remete a uma Africanidade. A partir desta contextualização, restou verificada a prevalência de uma relação de subalternização nos espaços sociais ocupados pela capoeira e pelos mestres e professores de capoeira no contexto escolar. Algo que se expressa através de uma apropriação marcada pela hegemonia da esportivização e da folclorização. A problemática enfocada foi abordada através da realização de uma pesquisa-ação em duas escolas, uma pública e outra privada. Nestas, foram promovidas aulas de capoeira angola com o objetivo de fomentar uma qualificação da presença da capoeira nas escolas, o que implicou na revisão das estruturas que produziram ora a ausência, ora a subalternização. Em complemento à pesquisa-ação foram analisadas outras três experiências ligadas à inserção da capoeira no contexto escolar: a realidade de dois mestres que promovem a capoeira em escolas, uma pública e outra privada, e a realização de um curso de formação voltado para a promoção de conteúdos ligados à capoeira para professores do sistema público de educação. A investigação realizada resultou na percepção de que há nas escolas públicas um espaço de reconhecimento a ser disputado, com um potencial emancipatório implicado em políticas voltadas para a promoção de educação em tempo integral e possibilidades de inovação institucional no que se refere à inserção dos profissionais da capoeira no contexto escolar. Uma portência que para se fazer concreta requer a superação da distância abissal entre o aparato normativo que prevê um compromisso com uma ideia de cidadania cultural e as práticas políticas verificadas. Já em relação ao ensino privado, a despeito de haver nestes espaços mais experiências de ensino da capoeira, é perceptível a hegemonia da inserção subalterna enquanto atividade extracurricular desconectada da proposta pedagógica das instituições de ensino. Configura-se nestes espaços a lógica do mercado de ensino privado que institui barreiras significativas à subversão da estruturas coloniais constitutivas da política epistemológica no campo educacional. Esta tese pretende contribuir para a existência de uma política cultural emancipatória no contexto escolar, para o quê observa na ecologia de saberes proposta por Boaventura de Sousa Santos um importante recurso metodológico e epistemológico. ABSTRAT INGLÊS: This thesis is focused on the inclusion of capoeira in Brazilian schools, aiming toanalys e the effectiveness of cultural rights, with regard to the African-referenced Brazilian culture. To dea l with cultural rights in a post - colonial reality requires reviewing the universalist hegemonic concep tion of human rights. To reach this goal the formulation of the concept of inte rcultural rights was fundamental, to face the challenge s involved in achieving cultural citizenship in Brazil. The educational field is strategic as it constitutes the place whe re there is a persistent tension between the officially legitimate knowledge and those knowledges historically excluded or subordinate by the hegemonic epistemological conception. In this context c apoeira is understood as a multifaceted practice of knowled ge, shaped by different identity discourses that claim various social spaces, to reach a qualified insertion in the educational field. To understand, from an historical perspective, the presence of capoeira, and consequently of its protagonists in the school context, it became necessary to undertake a critical analysis of the genealogy of the founding narratives of the constituent identity markers tha t makes up capoeira, being those w ho claims a b razilianness and those who calim Africanism. Following the study of school contexts, it became clear, in social spaces, the prevalence of a subordinate position occupied by mestres and teachers . This is expressed through an appropriation shape d by the hegemony of sportivization and folklorization of capoeira . The research for this thesis was addressed by action research in two schools, one public a nd another private. In both, capoeira angola classes were held with the aim of promoting a qualifi cation of capoeira presence in school environment; this resulted in the revision of the structures that produce a bsence s, and, in other contexts, subaltern ization . In addition to action research I analyzed three other experiences related to the i nclusion o f capoeira in schools: the experiences of two teachers who promote capoeira in schools ( one public and another p rivate), and of a course aimed at promoting content linked to capoeira for the public system ’ teacher education. The research indicates the perc eption that there is , in public schools , a space of recognition under dispute. This space has emancipatory potential implicated both in policies for the promotion of full - time education and in institutional innovation s regarding the possibility of includin g capoeira professionals in the school context. The potential to implement this project requires overcoming the abysmal distance between the normative apparatus - that includes a commitment to an idea of cultural citizenship - and the present political pra ctices. Regarding private schools, despite having more capoeira teaching spaces , is is visible the hegemony of the subaltern insertion of capoeira, often as an extracurricular activity disconnected of the core pedagogical proposal of these educational institutions. Indeed, here capoeira operates in spaces where the logic of the p rivate education market imposes barriers to limit the subversion of the colonial structures , structures that are constitutive of current epistemological policy in Br azilian education. Therefore, this thesis aims to contribute to the production of an emancipatory cultural policy in school contexts , resorting to t he ecology of knowledge proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos a s an important methodological and epistemolo gical resource.
This thesis is focused on the inclusion of capoeira in Brazilian schools, aiming to analyse the effectiveness of cultural rights, with regard to the African-referenced Brazilian culture. To deal with cultural rights in a post-colonial reality requires reviewing the universalist hegemonic conception of human rights. To reach this goal the formulation of the concept of intercultural rights was fundamental, to face the challenges involved in achieving cultural citizenship in Brazil. The educational field is strategic as it constitutes the place where there is a persistent tension between the officially legitimate knowledge and those knowledges historically excluded or subordinate by the hegemonic epistemological conception. In this context capoeira is understood as a multifaceted practice of knowledge, shaped by different identity discourses that claim various social spaces, to reach a qualified insertion in the educational field. To understand, from an historical perspective, the presence of capoeira, and consequently of its protagonists in the school context, it became necessary to undertake a critical analysis of the genealogy of the founding narratives of the constituent identity markers that makes up capoeira, being those who claims a brazilianness and those who calim Africanism. Following the study of school contexts, it became clear, in social spaces, the prevalence of a subordinate position occupied by mestres and teachers. This is expressed through an appropriation shaped by the hegemony of sportivization and folklorization of capoeira. The research for this thesis was addressed by action research in two schools, one public and another private. In both, capoeira angola classes were held with the aim of promoting a qualification of capoeira presence in school environment; this resulted in the revision of the structures that produce absences, and, in other contexts, subalternization. In addition to action research I analyzed three other experiences related to the inclusion of capoeira in schools: the experiences of two teachers who promote capoeira in schools (one public and another private), and of a course aimed at promoting content linked to capoeira for the public system’ teacher education. The research indicates the perception that there is, in public schools, a space of recognition under dispute. This space has emancipatory potential implicated both in policies for the promotion of full-time education and in institutional innovations regarding the possibility of including capoeira professionals in the school context. The potential to implement this project requires overcoming the abysmal distance between the normative apparatus - that includes a commitment to an idea of cultural citizenship - and the present political practices. Regarding private schools, despite having more capoeira teaching spaces, is is visible the hegemony of the subaltern insertion of capoeira, often as an extracurricular activity disconnected of the core pedagogical proposal of these educational institutions. Indeed, here capoeira operates in spaces where the logic of the private education market imposes barriers to limit the subversion of the colonial structures, structures that are constitutive of current epistemological policy in Brazilian education. Therefore, this thesis aims to contribute to the production of an emancipatory cultural policy in school contexts, resorting to the ecology of knowledge proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos as an important methodological and epistemological resource.
Description: Tese de doutoramento em Pós-Colonialismo e Cidadania Global, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:I&D CES - Teses de Doutoramento
UC - Teses de Doutoramento
FEUC- Teses de Doutoramento

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