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Title: A dinâmica social da pobreza
Authors: Silva, Rafael dos Santos da
Orientador: Mendes, José Manuel
Keywords: Pobreza; Espaço Urbanas; Democracia; Cidadania; Dinâmica Social da Pobreza; Poverty; Urban Zone; Democracy; Citizenship; Social Dynamics of Poverty
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2022
Place of publication or event: Brasil
Abstract: A pobreza é uma forma extremada de opressão que se refaz na urbanidade. É refinada pela ausência de cidadania e de democracia. Por isso, é imperativo enxergá-la a partir de sua totalidade, razão pela qual este trabalho não buscou adjetivá-la, mas conectar suas estruturas até ser possível compreendê-la em sua complexidade. Assim, deu-se a responder como a dinâmica social da pobreza urbana afetou a cidadania em um território brasileiro. O meio urbano foi tomado por referência em virtude de ser o destino de quase dois terços da humanidade. A hipótese a testar foi que a dinâmica da pobreza urbana é intensificada pela redução da cidadania. O primeiro passo realizou articulação teórica a partir de uma densa pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A sociologia da pobreza foi o campo de estudo mais utilizado, e as contribuições de George Simmel foram fundamentais. Contudo, a sociologia urbana serviu de auxílio para alcançar às questões da cidade. Assim, estabeleceu-se como objetivo geral explorar a evolução da pobreza a partir das práticas de cidadania nos territórios urbanos da cidade de Crateús a partir de um estudo de caso múltiplo aplicado em quatro territórios deste município. Valendo-se de grupos focais, o pesquisador, as lideranças e os moradores, coletaram dados nos primeiros meses de 2021. Nesse momento, utilizaram a técnica denominada Indicadores da Cidadania – INCID - desenvolvida pelo IBASE, cujo objetivo é identificar o conjunto de direitos que garantem a cidadania. A novidade da pesquisa emergiu na construção do mapa da dinâmica social da pobreza urbana, que parte da literatura existente, mas inova ao relacionar no mesmo espaço as variáveis da desigualdade, da exclusão social e da fome. Constatou-se ser a exclusão social o ciclo da pobreza de maior impacto. No entanto, o ciclo da fome foi detectado em dois, dos quatro territórios, e deverá ser duplamente solucionado, porque suas raízes estão tanto na ausência da oferta da merenda escolar, como no mal funcionamento econômico. Logo, é preciso garantir acesso a merenda escolar, reduzindo a desigualdade, de um lado, e do outro, a exclusão social por meio da oferta de serviços públicos para aliviar os orçamentos familiares. Finalmente, a tese inaugura um novo elemento conceitual capaz de observar a pobreza pela lente da cidadania, e sob uma só abordagem. Espera-se que a pobreza, não sendo reduzida a adjetivos, nem investigada individualmente, possa ser enfrentada segundo sua estruturação.Poverty is a way of extreme oppression that recreates itself in the society. It is known for the lack of citizenship and democracy. So, it is essential to observate poverty from the whole totaly, that is why this composition did not seek to classify it, but in fact, connect the structures until it is possible to comprehend it in your full complexity. Then, it was possible to answer how the social dinamic of urban poverty affected the citizenship in the brazilian territory. The urban zone was taken as a reference for being the destination of almost two thirds of humanity. The test was substantiated in the assumption of the urban poverty dinamic being boosted by the decrease of citizenship. The first step performed the theoretical articulation from a voluminous bibliographic and documentary research. The poverty sociology was the most used field of study, and the George Simmel’s contributions were essential for achieving conclusions. Nevertheless, the urban society was presented as na aid to achieve the city’s issues. Then, was estabilished as a general purpose to search the poverty evolution from the practices of citizenship in the urban zones at the Crateus city, inserted in a multiple case study applied in four territories of this county. Drewing upon focus groups, the researcher, leaders and local residents collected data in the first months of 2021. At this moment, was used a technic called Citizenship Indicators – INCID – developed by IBASE, wich the goal is to identify the set of rights that guarantee citizenship. The research innovation emerged in the map’s construction of the social dynamics of urban poverty, which starts from the existing literature, but innovates by relating in the same space the variables of inequality, social exclusion and hunger. It was verifyed that the social exclusion has the biggest impact on poverty cycle. Yet the hunger cycle was noticed in two of four territories and must be solved in two diferente type of ways, because the problems source are both in the absence of school meals offer, as in the economic malfunction. After all, it is essential to guarantee free acess to school meal, and consequently decreasing inequality, from a point of view, and from another, the social exclusion by offering public services to relieve the household budgets. Therefore, the dissertation initiate a new conceptual element capable of observing poverty through the lens of citizenship and under a single approach. It is expected that poverty, do not be reduced to adjectives, nor investigated individually, may be faced according to its structure.
Poverty is a way of extreme oppression that recreates itself in the society. It is known for the lack of citizenship and democracy. So, it is essential to observate poverty from the whole totaly, that is why this composition did not seek to classify it, but in fact, connect the structures until it is possible to comprehend it in your full complexity. Then, it was possible to answer how the social dinamic of urban poverty affected the citizenship in the brazilian territory. The urban zone was taken as a reference for being the destination of almost two thirds of humanity. The test was substantiated in the assumption of the urban poverty dinamic being boosted by the decrease of citizenship. The first step performed the theoretical articulation from a voluminous bibliographic and documentary research. The poverty sociology was the most used field of study, and the George Simmel’s contributions were essential for achieving conclusions. Nevertheless, the urban society was presented as na aid to achieve the city’s issues. Then, was estabilished as a general purpose to search the poverty evolution from the practices of citizenship in the urban zones at the Crateus city, inserted in a multiple case study applied in four territories of this county. Drewing upon focus groups, the researcher, leaders and local residents collected data in the first months of 2021. At this moment, was used a technic called Citizenship Indicators – INCID – developed by IBASE, wich the goal is to identify the set of rights that guarantee citizenship. The research innovation emerged in the map’s construction of the social dynamics of urban poverty, which starts from the existing literature, but innovates by relating in the same space the variables of inequality, social exclusion and hunger. It was verifyed that the social exclusion has the biggest impact on poverty cycle. Yet the hunger cycle was noticed in two of four territories and must be solved in two diferente type of ways, because the problems source are both in the absence of school meals offer, as in the economic malfunction. After all, it is essential to guarantee free acess to school meal, and consequently decreasing inequality, from a point of view, and from another, the social exclusion by offering public services to relieve the household budgets. Therefore, the dissertation initiate a new conceptual element capable of observing poverty through the lens of citizenship and under a single approach. It is expected that poverty, do not be reduced to adjectives, nor investigated individually, may be faced according to its structure.
Description: Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra.
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:UC - Teses de Doutoramento
FEUC- Teses de Doutoramento

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