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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 25692
EU - Europe 12032
AS - Asia, other 3861
SA - South America 271
AF - Africa 190
OC - Oceania 126
Unknown 832
Total 43004
Country #
US - United States of America 25629
PL - Poland 7369
SG - Singapore 2060
DE - Germany 1400
PT - Portugal 1296
CN - China 1114
IE - Ireland 485
SE - Sweden 462
BR - Brazil 264
ES - Spain 244
other - Other Country 2681
Total 43004
City #
Ashburn 15461
Warsaw 7360
Secaucus 1232
New York 1012
Inglewood 739
Hanover 489
Dublin 456
Singapore 446
Fairfield 407
Des Moines 268
other 14629
Total 42499
Most viewed items #
ID: 31194 - Proton structure from the measurement of 2S-2P transition frequencies of muonic hydrogen 797
ID: 31267 - Laser spectroscopy of muonic deuterium 658
ID: 31294 - Search for Electronic Recoil Event Rate Modulation with 4 Years of XENON100 Data 528
ID: 31299 - Effective field theory search for high-energy nuclear recoils using the XENON100 dark matter detector 471
ID: 31261 - X-ray imaging with GEMs using 100 μm thick foils 453
ID: 31295 - First Dark Matter Search Results from the XENON1T Experiment 446
ID: 31212 - Response of the XENON100 Dark Matter Detector to Nuclear Recoils 441
ID: 31252 - Observation and applications of single-electron charge signals in the XENON100 experiment 437
ID: 31196 - Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections from 225 live days of XENON100 data 433
ID: 31327 - PMT calibration of a scintillation detector using primary scintillation 418
ID: 31266 - Conceptual design and simulation of a water Cherenkov muon veto for the XENON1T experiment 417
ID: 31273 - DARWIN: towards the ultimate dark matter detector 413
ID: 31274 - Physics reach of the XENON1T dark matter experiment 411
ID: 31220 - Radiopurity control in the NEXT-100 double beta decay experiment: procedures and initial measurements 409
ID: 31213 - High-accuracy x-ray line standards in the 3-keV region 405
ID: 31301 - Results from a Calibration of XENON100 Using a Source of Dissolved Radon-220 405
ID: 31282 - A large area TOF-tracker device based on multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers 403
ID: 31262 - Description and commissioning of NEXT-MM prototype: first results from operation in a Xenon-Trimethylamine gas mixture 391
ID: 31308 - Search for magnetic inelastic dark matter with XENON100 389
ID: 31326 - An improved measurement of electron-ion recombination in high-pressure xenon gas 387
ID: 31319 - Exclusion of Leptophilic Dark Matter Models using XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data 383
ID: 31344 - ATCA Shelf Manager EPICS device support for ITER CODAC Core System 383
ID: 31215 - The neutron background of the XENON100 dark matter search experiment 381
ID: 31324 - Ionization and scintillation of nuclear recoils in gaseous xenon 380
ID: 31340 - Device and operation mechanism for non-beacon IEEE802.15.4/Zigbee nodes running on harvested energy 379
ID: 31304 - Online 222Rn removal by cryogenic distillation in the XENON100 experiment 376
ID: 31309 - Search for Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture of 124Xe with XENON100 376
ID: 31300 - Search for WIMP Inelastic Scattering off Xenon Nuclei with XENON100 375
ID: 31336 - Signal (Stream) synchronization with White noise sources, in biomedical applications 371
ID: 31216 - Self-mixing microprobe for monitoring microvascular perfusion in rat brain 370
ID: 31333 - Quantum interference shifts in laser spectroscopy with elliptical polarization 367
ID: 31307 - Material radioassay and selection for the XENON1T dark matter experiment 365
ID: 31321 - Lowering the radioactivity of the photomultiplier tubes for the XENON1T dark matter experiment 363
ID: 31320 - Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data 361
ID: 31227 - Beam studies of novel THGEM-based potential sampling elements for Digital Hadron Calorimetry 354
ID: 31249 - Aβ and NMDAR activation cause mitochondrial dysfunction involving ER calcium release 353
ID: 31325 - Radiopurity assessment of the tracking readout for the NEXT double beta decay experiment 352
ID: 31305 - Removing krypton from xenon by cryogenic distillation to the ppq level 351
ID: 31219 - Machine learning techniques for arterial pressure waveform analysis 345
ID: 31331 - Gain Characteristics of a 100 μm thick Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) 340
ID: 31323 - Accurate gamma and MeV-electron track reconstruction with an ultra-low diffusion Xenon/TMA TPC at 10 atmospheres 339
ID: 31257 - Precision measurement of the (3p–1s) X-ray transition in muonic hydrogen 338
ID: 31226 - First results with THGEM followed by submillimetric multiplying gap 337
ID: 31332 - Liquid Hole Multipliers: bubble-assisted electroluminescence in liquid xenon 336
ID: 31288 - An homeopathic cure to pure Xenon large diffusion 335
ID: 31350 - Precision Time Protocol support hardware for ATCA control and data acquisition system 334
ID: 31237 - N+1 redundancy on ATCA instrumentation for Nuclear Fusion 333
ID: 31339 - Harvested Power Wireless Sensor Network Solution for Disaggregated Current Estimation in Large Buildings 330
ID: 31351 - PCI express hotplug implementation for ATCA based instrumentation 330
ID: 31330 - A robust large area x-ray imaging system based on 100 μ m thick Gas Electron Multiplier 328
ID: 31250 - First Axion Results from the XENON100 Experiment 326
Total 20103

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0013172219 642895 5073
2020 792996 648731898460 79163246421 869285 7569
2021 596457 384408423242 930860365444 25062 5421
2022 348445 1287227244106 245211402339 473541 4868
2023 187198 35326058 51240160540 637952 3402
2024 10631450 15401287940630 840154900 00 9299
Ever 43004