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Region #
NA - North America 10846
EU - Europe 10411
AS - Asia, other 2968
SA - South America 740
AF - Africa 230
OC - Oceania 109
Unknown 293
Total 25597
Country #
US - United States of America 10817
PL - Poland 3482
PT - Portugal 2724
CN - China 1552
DE - Germany 1221
SG - Singapore 1016
BR - Brazil 723
SE - Sweden 688
IE - Ireland 424
RU - Russian Federation 391
other - Other Country 2559
Total 25597
City #
Ashburn 3988
Warsaw 3474
Secaucus 857
New York 742
Beijing 637
Redmond 536
Coimbra 505
Inglewood 485
Dublin 375
Singapore 264
other 11854
Total 23717
Most viewed items #
ID: 21266 - A sedimentologia duma sucessão aluvial intra-cratónica. O Terciário arcósico do sector sudeste da bacia de Sarzedas (Beira Baixa - Portugal) 1002
ID: 21244 - O Terciário da Beira Baixa: registo estratigráfico e interpretações paleogeográficas 936
ID: 21268 - Facies analysis and sequential evolution of the Toarcian-Lower Aalenian series in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) 864
ID: 21265 - Palinomorfos ante-cenomanianos do "Grés do Buçaco" (Lousã, Portugal) 854
ID: 21219 - La Sedimentation cyclique marno-calcaire dans le Toarcien du Bassin Lusitanien (Portugal) 740
ID: 21227 - Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Upper Jurassic–Neocomian rift succession, Araripe Basin, Northeast Brazil 740
ID: 21245 - A assinatura tectono-sedimentar do auge da compressão bética em Portugal: a descontinuidade sedimentar Valesiano terminal-Turoliano 675
ID: 21263 - Estudo da proveniência dos feldspatos potássicos detríticos das "Arcoses de Côja" (Eocénico superior) (região de Arganil - Portugal central) 674
ID: 21228 - The geological heritage of Tundavala (Angola): an integrated approach to its characterisation 648
ID: 21248 - Evolução cenozóica da área de Longroiva-Vilariça (NE Portugal) 592
ID: 17319 - O conceito de "decadência fisiológica da raça" e o desenvolvimento do desporto em Portugal (finais do séc. XIX/princípios do séc. XX) 587
ID: 21230 - Contribution of engineering geology for the construction of a new museum gallery over an archaeological site at Lorvão Monastery, Portugal 581
ID: 21247 - Estratigrafia sísmica do Cenozóico na plataforma continental algarvia: interpretação do controle tectónico da sedimentação 552
ID: 19046 - Environmental Risk Assessment Based on High-Resolution Spatial Maps of Potentially Toxic Elements Sampled on Stream Sediments of Santiago, Cape Verde 546
ID: 17316 - Metallogenesis at the Carris W–Mo–Sn deposit (Gerês, Portugal): constraints from fluid inclusions, mineral geochemistry, Re–Os and He–Ar isotopes 524
ID: 17315 - Ammonite-benthic Foraminifera turnovers across the Lower-Middle Jurassic transition in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) 515
ID: 17318 - As quermesses como uma forma específica de sociabilidade no séc. XIX. O caso da "Quermesse da Tapada da Ajuda" em 1884 492
ID: 21229 - False low water content in road field compaction control using nuclear gauges: a case study 435
ID: 21226 - Contaminated water, stream sediments and soils close to the abandoned Pinhal do Souto uranium mine, central Portugal 430
ID: 31511 - Backscattering Mössbauer MIMOS II and XRF studies on tektites from different strewn fields 409
ID: 21210 - Stratigraphy and allogenic controls of the western Portugal Cretaceous: an updated synthesis 392
ID: 31485 - The Krantz collections of palaeontology held at the University of Coimbra (Portugal): a century of teaching and museum activities 390
ID: 31510 - 57FE Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of Tektites from Khon Kaen, Ne Thailand 355
ID: 31502 - Evaluation of groundwater quality based on radiological and hydrochemical data from two uraniferous regions of Western Iberia: Nisa (Portugal) and Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) 350
ID: 31479 - TRAGALDABAS: a new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays 329
ID: 31481 - Temporal Evolution of Sunspot Areas and Estimation of Related Plasma Flows 326
ID: 31521 - Molluscs from the fossil site of "Lo Hueco" (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Spain): Palaeoenvironmental and sequential implications 323
ID: 21207 - Geoarcheology of Pleistocene open-air sites in the Vila Nova da Barquinha - Santa Cita area (Lower Tejo River basin, central Portugal) 319
ID: 31482 - Magnetic, geochemical and pedological characterisation of soil profiles from different environments and geological backgrounds near Coimbra, Portugal 309
ID: 31522 - Dinosaur footprints from the Lower Cretaceous of the Algarve Basin (Portugal): New data on the ornithopod palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of the Iberian Peninsula 307
ID: 21224 - Lower to Middle Toarcian from the Coimbra region (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): sequence stratigraphy, calcareous nannofossils and stable-isotope evolution 303
ID: 21198 - Natural and man-made causes for the “Elísio de Moura” earth flow in Coimbra, Portugal 302
ID: 31519 - Palaeomagnetism in the Sines massif (SW Iberia) revisited: evidences for Late Cretaceous hydrothermal alteration and associated partial remagnetization 277
ID: 31487 - Science Education in a Museum: Enhancing Earth Sciences Literacy as a Way to Enhance Public Awareness of Geological Heritage 274
ID: 31478 - Variability modes in core flows inverted from geomagnetic field models 266
ID: 31512 - Differences between tangential geostrophy and columnar flow 262
ID: 31517 - New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity 262
ID: 21221 - The geological heritage of the Lower Jurassic of Central Portugal: selected sites, inventory and main scientific arguments 261
ID: 31509 - Mineralogy of V-type asteroids as a constraining tool of their past history 261
ID: 31518 - On the (non-)universality of the mixing length parameter 254
ID: 31520 - “TNOs are Cool”: A survey of the trans-Neptunian region 253
ID: 31523 - Revision and new data on the Coniacian ammonite genus Hemitissotia in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) 252
ID: 31514 - The distribution of arsenic in shallow alluvial groundwater under agricultural land in central Portugal: insights from multivariate geostatistical modeling 251
ID: 31506 - On the mass estimation for FGK stars: comparison of several methods 247
ID: 31486 - Sauropod trackways of the Iberian Peninsula: palaeoetological and palaeoenvironmental implications 241
ID: 31508 - Li depletion in solar analogues with exoplanets: Extending the sample 238
ID: 31480 - Correction of artificial jumps in the historical geomagnetic measurements of Coimbra Observatory, Portugal 220
ID: 48212 - Dinoturbation in Upper Jurassic siliciclastic levels at Cabo Mondego (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): evidences in a fluvial-dominated deltaic succession 218
ID: 49007 - First tracks of newborn straight-tusked elephants (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) 203
ID: 48090 - The Forerunners on Heritage Stones Investigation: Historical Synthesis and Evolution 163
ID: 48392 - Geoconservation in the Cabeço da Ladeira Paleontological Site (Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park, Portugal): Exquisite Preservation of Animals and Their Behavioral Activities in a Middle Jurassic Carbonate Tidal Flat 155
Total 21359

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00447627 313333 1720
2020 374352 310383297265 1502826217 260133 3029
2021 164166 154158143123 7718290211 132117 1717
2022 199155 9439515681 240193245279 212361 3159
2023 128141 19534025 6915793166 391597 1996
2024 419961 888786523772 55852220 00 5431
Ever 25597