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Crisóstomo, Joana
UC Researcher
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Resultados 1-3 de 3.

Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)TipoAcesso
12019ECM-enriched alginate hydrogels for bioartificial pancreas: an ideal niche to improve insulin secretion and diabetic glucose profileCrisóstomo, Joana ; Pereira, Ana M. ; Bidarra, Sílvia J.; Gonçalves, Ana C. ; Granja, Pedro L.; Coelho, Jorge Fj; Barrias, Cristina C; Seiça, Raquel articleopenAccess
230-Out-2017The Sulforaphane and pyridoxamine supplementation normalize endothelial dysfunction associated with type 2 diabetesPereira, Ana ; Fernandes, Rosa ; Crisóstomo, Joana ; Seiça, Raquel M. ; Sena, Cristina M. articleopenAccess
34-Jan-2018Using Resistin, glucose, age and BMI to predict the presence of breast cancerPatrício, Miguel ; Pereira, José; Crisóstomo, Joana ; Matafome, Paulo N. ; Gomes, Manuel; Seiça, Raquel; Caramelo, Francisco articleopenAccess