Palmeira C
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Credit Name
Palmeira C
Palmeira, Carlos
Palmeira CA
Date issued
Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access | |
1 | 19-Jan-2018 | Addition of Berberine to Preservation Solution in an Animal Model of Ex Vivo Liver Transplant Preserves Mitochondrial Function and Bioenergetics from the Damage Induced by Ischemia/Reperfusion | Martins, Rui Miguel; Rolo, Anabela Pinto ; Teodoro, João Soeiro ; Furtado, Emanuel ; Oliveira, Rui Caetano ; Tralhão, José Guilherme ; Palmeira, Carlos Marques | article | openAccess |
2 | 22-Aug-2018 | Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) in Rat Fatty Liver Cold Ischemia Injury | Panisello-Roselló, Arnau; Alva, Norma; Flores, Marta; Lopez, Alexandre ; Castro Benítez, Carlos; Folch-Puy, Emma; Rolo, Anabela ; Palmeira, Carlos ; Adam, René ; Carbonell, Teresa ; Roselló-Catafau, Joan | article | openAccess |
3 | Apr-2018 | Corrigendum to "European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)" [Redox Biol. 13 (2017) 94-162] | Egea, J; Fabregat, I; Frapart, Y M; Ghezzi, P; Görlach, A; Kietzmann, T; Kubaichuk, K; Knaus, U G; Lopez, M G; Olaso-Gonzalez, G; Petry, A; Schulz, R; Vina, J; Winyard, P; Abbas, K; Ademowo, O S; Afonso, C B; Andreadou, I; Antelmann, H; Antunes, F; Aslan, M; Bachschmid, M M; Barbosa, R. M. ; Belousov, V; Berndt, C; Bernlohr, D; Bertrán, E; Bindoli, A; Bottari, S P; Brito, P M; Carrara, G; Casas, A I; Chatzi, A; Chondrogianni, N; Conrad, M; Cooke, M S; Costa, J G; Cuadrado, A; My-Chan Dang, P; De Smet, B; Debelec-Butuner, B; Dias, I H K; Dunn, J D; Edson, A J; El Assar, M; El-Benna, J; Ferdinandy, P; Fernandes, A S; Fladmark, K E; Förstermann, U; Giniatullin, R; Giricz, Z; Görbe, A; Griffiths, H; Hampl, V; Hanf, A; Herget, J; Hernansanz-Agustín, P; Hillion, M; Huang, J; Ilikay, S; Jansen-Dürr, P; Jaquet, V; Joles, J A; Kalyanaraman, B; Kaminskyy, D; Karbaschi, M; Kleanthous, M; Klotz, L O; Korac, B; Korkmaz, K S; Koziel, R; Kračun, D; Krause, K H; Křen, V; Krieg, T; Laranjinha, J; Lazou, A; Li, H; Martínez-Ruiz, A; Matsui, R; McBean, G J; Meredith, S P; Messens, J; Miguel, V; Mikhed, Y; Milisav, I; Milković, L; Miranda-Vizuete, A; Mojović, M; Monsalve, M; Mouthuy, P A; Mulvey, J; Münzel, T; Muzykantov, V; Nguyen, I T N; Oelze, M; Oliveira, N G; Palmeira, C. M. ; Papaevgeniou, N; Pavićević, A; Pedre, B; Peyrot, F; Phylactides, M; Pircalabioru, G G; Pitt, A R; Poulsen, H E; Prieto, I; Rigobello, M P; Robledinos-Antón, N; Rodríguez-Mañas, L; Rolo, A. P. ; Rousset, F.; Ruskovska, T.; Saraiva, N.; Sasson, S.; Schröder, K.; Semen, K.; Seredenina, T.; Shakirzyanova, A.; Smith, G. L.; Soldati, T.; Sousa, B. C.; Spickett, C. M.; Stancic, A.; Stasia, M. J.; Steinbrenner, H.; Lomov, Stepan V. ; Steven, S.; Tokatlidis, K.; Tuncay, E.; Turan, B.; Ursini, F.; Vacek, J.; Vajnerova, O.; Valentová, K.; Van Breusegem, F.; Varisli, L.; Veal, E. A.; Yalçın, A. S.; Yelisyeyeva, O.; Žarković, N.; Zatloukalová, M.; Zielonka, J.; Touyz, R. M.; Papapetropoulos, A.; Grüning, Myrta ; Lamas, S.; Schmidt, H. H. H. W.; Di Lisa, F.; Daiber, A. | article | openAccess |
4 | 24-Jan-2018 | Cytoprotective Mechanisms in Fatty Liver Preservation against Cold Ischemia Injury: A Comparison between IGL-1 and HTK | Panisello-Roselló, Arnau; Verde, Eva; Lopez, Alexandre ; Flores, Marta; Folch-Puy, Emma; Rolo, Anabela ; Palmeira, Carlos ; Hotter, Georgina; Carbonell, Teresa ; Adam, René ; Roselló-Catafau, Joan | article | openAccess |
5 | 9-Aug-2020 | Polyethylene Glycol 35 as a Perfusate Additive for Mitochondrial and Glycocalyx Protection in HOPE Liver Preservation | Panisello Rosello, Arnau; Silva, Rui Teixeira da ; Castro, Carlos ; Bardallo, Raquel G.; Calvo, Maria; Folch-Puy, Emma; Carbonell, Teresa ; Palmeira, Carlos ; Roselló-Catafau, Joan ; Adam, René | article | openAccess |
6 | 2018 | Recent insights into mitochondrial targeting strategies in liver transplantation | Martins, Rui Miguel; Teodoro, João Soeiro ; Furtado, Emanuel ; Rolo, Anabela Pinto ; Palmeira, Carlos Marques ; Tralhão, José Guilherme | article | openAccess |
7 | 19-May-2021 | Role of PEG35, Mitochondrial ALDH2, and Glutathione in Cold Fatty Liver Graft Preservation: An IGL-2 Approach | Bardallo, Raquel G.; Silva, Rui Teixeira da ; Carbonell, Teresa ; Folch-Puy, Emma; Palmeira, Carlos ; Roselló-Catafau, Joan ; Pirenne, Jacques; Adam, René ; Panisello-Roselló, Arnau | article | openAccess |
8 | 24-Mar-2022 | The physiology and health condition of urban dweller gulls in increasingly urbanized areas | Lopes, Catarina Santos | doctoralThesis | embargoedAccess |
9 | 18-Jan-2013 | Unravelling New Roles for SIRT1 in Mitochondrial Biollogy | Gomes, Ana Patrícia da Silva | doctoralThesis | openAccess |