Sybren Maas acknowledges support from the Dutch Nijbakker-Morra travel stipend and the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) travel grant. Xandra Breakefield acknowledges National Institutes of Health (NCI CA179563, CA069246 and CA232103) for funding used to perform this research. U19 CA179563 is supported by the National Institutes of Health Common Fund, through the Office of Strategic Coordination/Office of the NIH Director. Joseph El Khoury is funded by the National Institutes of Health (1RF1 AG051506, R01 AI119065). Generation of vectors used in this study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NS045776) grant. The MGH Department of Pathology Flow and Image Cytometry Research Core obtained support from the National Institutes of Health Shared Instrumentation program (1S10OD012027-01A1, 1S10OD016372-01, 1S10RR020936-01, and 1S10RR023440-01A1)

Project title
Sybren Maas acknowledges support from the Dutch Nijbakker-Morra travel stipend and the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) travel grant. Xandra Breakefield acknowledges National Institutes of Health (NCI CA179563, CA069246 and CA232103) for funding used to perform this research. U19 CA179563 is supported by the National Institutes of Health Common Fund, through the Office of Strategic Coordination/Office of the NIH Director. Joseph El Khoury is funded by the National Institutes of Health (1RF1 AG051506, R01 AI119065). Generation of vectors used in this study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NS045776) grant. The MGH Department of Pathology Flow and Image Cytometry Research Core obtained support from the National Institutes of Health Shared Instrumentation program (1S10OD012027-01A1, 1S10OD016372-01, 1S10RR020936-01, and 1S10RR023440-01A1)