The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales funded this research through the Cardiff University Global Challenge Research Fund supported by Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). It was also supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological—CNPq through the call Universal, project #461484/2014/15 to MLCB and by Pesquisa #310690/2017-20 to GGB. Karlo Alves acknowledges a technical fellowship provided by Fundação Araucária, through Centro de Pesquisa da Universidade Positivo (CPUP - CP12/2017 and CP10/2019). Luis Cunha was supported by Portuguese Science Foundation FCT (CEECIND/01986/2017) and Nuno Ferreira by a MSCA COFUND Fellowship (H2020-COFUNDSIRCIW> MINT-512202) through Cardiff University, Welsh Government and the European Union.

Project title
The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales funded this research through the Cardiff University Global Challenge Research Fund supported by Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). It was also supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological—CNPq through the call Universal, project #461484/2014/15 to MLCB and by Pesquisa #310690/2017-20 to GGB. Karlo Alves acknowledges a technical fellowship provided by Fundação Araucária, through Centro de Pesquisa da Universidade Positivo (CPUP - CP12/2017 and CP10/2019). Luis Cunha was supported by Portuguese Science Foundation FCT (CEECIND/01986/2017) and Nuno Ferreira by a MSCA COFUND Fellowship (H2020-COFUNDSIRCIW> MINT-512202) through Cardiff University, Welsh Government and the European Union.