UCS, INCT-INES (# 554336/2014- 0), CAPES to PROSUC (#88887.153304/2017-00) and PDSE (#88881.362240/2019-01) for financial support to C.D.B., CNPq ( #422372/2016-1 ), FAPERGS ( # 17/2551- 0001052-3 ) and Plasmar Tecnologia Ltda. (# 1408-25.51/14-6) for financial support

Project title
UCS, INCT-INES (# 554336/2014- 0), CAPES to PROSUC (#88887.153304/2017-00) and PDSE (#88881.362240/2019-01) for financial support to C.D.B., CNPq ( #422372/2016-1 ), FAPERGS ( # 17/2551- 0001052-3 ) and Plasmar Tecnologia Ltda. (# 1408-25.51/14-6) for financial support