Percorrer por autor Souto, M.

Mostrar resultados 1-4 de 4.
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)TipoAcesso
5-Jun-2009Alterations in peripheral blood memory B cells in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis are dependent on the action of tumour necrosis factorSouto-Carneiro, M. Margarida ; Mahadevan, Vijayabhanu ; Takada, Kazuki ; Fritsch-Stork, Ruth ; Nanki, Toshihiro ; Brown, Margaret ; Fleisher, Thomas A. ; Wilson, Mildred ; Goldbach-Mansky, Raphaela ; Lipsky, Peter E. articleopenAccess
2012Caracterização da resposta imune periférica na doença de alzheimerGonçalves, Milene Vieira masterThesisopenAccess
2014CD8+T cell profiles in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and their relationship to disease activityCarvalheiro, Helena ; Duarte, Cátia ; Silva-Cardoso, Sandra ; Silva, José A. P. da ; Souto-Carneiro, M. Margarida articleembargoedAccess
2020Oleic acid enhances the production of reactive oxygen species in neuronal tissueAlves, J. L. ; Figueira, A. S. C. ; Souto, M. ; Lopes, I. L.; Dionísio, J. C.; Quinta-Ferreira, R. M. ; Quinta-Ferreira, M. E. articleopenAccess