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Title: Os veios da pós-memória e as novas literaturas
Other Titles: The seams of post-memory and new literature
Authors: Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate 
Issue Date: 23-May-2020
Publisher: Memoirs, CES
Project: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/648624/EU 
Serial title, monograph or event: Memoirs Newsletter
Issue: 102
Place of publication or event: Coimbra
Abstract: Assistimos hoje na Europa à afirmação cultural de europeus herdeiros dos movimentos políticos e populacionais saídos das descolonizações e de outros fluxos migratórios para a Europa, ligados à fuga de guerras, à procura de refúgio económico, ao exílio político, ao desenvolvimento de estudos superiores e outros fatores. Hoje os descendentes destes movimentos são sujeitos e corpos políticos europeus que assumem memórias e identidades transnacionais e transterritoriais.
In present day Europe, we are witnessing the cultural affirmation of Europeans who are heirs of political and population movements, resulting from decolonization and other migratory flows to Europe, associated with the flight deserting from wars, search for economic refuge, political exile, a place for higher education and other factors. Today, the descendants of these movements are European subjects and political bodies that accept transnational and trans-territorial memories and identities.
Description: MEMOIRS - Children of Empires and European Postmemories (648624)
ISSN: 2184-2566
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:I&D CES - Memoirs Newsletter

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