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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 209
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
2006Numerical experiments for segmenting medical images using level setsAraújo, A. ; Comissiong, D. M. G. ; Stadler, G. preprintopenAccess
2006Etingof-Kazhdan quantization of non-degenerate triangular Lie bialgebrasMoreno, Carlos ; Teles, Joana preprintopenAccess
2006The obstacle problem for nonlinear elliptic equations with variable growth and L1-dataRodrigues, José Francisco ; Sanchón, Manel ; Urbano, José Miguel preprintopenAccess
2006A new algebraic invariant for weak equivalence of sofic subshiftsChaubard, Laura ; Costa, Alfredo preprintopenAccess
2006Orders and actions of branched coverings of hyperbolic linksSalgueiro, António preprintopenAccess
2006Orders of branched covering of linksSalgueiro, António preprintopenAccess
2006Prolocalisations of homological categoriesBorceux, F. ; Clementino, M. M. ; Gran, M. ; Sousa, L. preprintopenAccess
2006Key polynomials, invariant factors and an action of the symmetric group on Young tableauxAzenhas, Olga ; Mamede, Ricardo preprintopenAccess
2007On the noncommutative hypergeometric equationConflitti, Alessandro ; Schlosser, Michael J. preprintopenAccess
2007Penalized smoothing of sparse tablesJacob, Pierre ; Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo preprintopenAccess
2007Characterizations of Laguerre-Hahn affine orthogonal polynomials on the unit circleBranquinho, A. ; Rebocho, M. N. preprintopenAccess
2007Modular classes of Poisson-Nijenhuis Lie algebroidsCaseiro, Raquel preprintopenAccess
2007Ideals in Heyting semilattices and open homomorphismsPicado, Jorge ; Pultr, Aleš ; Tozzi, Anna preprintopenAccess
2007Geometry of the numerical range of Krein space operatorsBebiano, N. ; Providência, J. da ; Teixeira, R. preprintopenAccess
2007k-Shortest path algorithmsSantos, José Luis preprintopenAccess
2007Quadratic Lie superalgebras with reductive even partAlbuquerque, Helena ; Barreiro, Elisabete ; Benayadi, Saïd preprintopenAccess
2007Odd-quadratic Lie superalgebrasAlbuquerque, Helena ; Barreiro, Elisabete ; Benayadi, Saïd preprintopenAccess
2007On the edge of stability analysisSousa, Ercília preprintopenAccess
2007Ranking multiobjective shortest pathsMartins, Ernesto Queirós ; Paixão, José Manuel ; Rosa, Mário Silva ; Santos, José Luis preprintopenAccess
2007An algorithm for the inertia sets of tree sign patternsFonseca, C. M. da ; Mamede, Ricardo preprintopenAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 209